Brain Tumors in Dogs: Home Remedies

Dr Jones’ Free Book… Brain Tumors in dogs are the most common cause of dog seizures …


  1. This is off topic I have a question. We recently gor a large aulstralian Shepard/Rottweiler/Dane mix. The breeder took him back because the family that had him couldn't keep him. We have had him almost two months now. He kicks everything. I mean everything. Us, leash, ground, carpet, furniture. He will be one year old in May. He seems healthy. We will get him neutered in May should we speak to vet about this?

  2. What about an oral tumor that was removed and came back in 3 weeks and my little dog is unable to eat. I've been feeding him bone broth and fermented wheat germ with a syringe. I don't know how much longer he can survive. Is there any hope?

  3. Hi, so thankful for your channel. Have you done a video on Kidney Stones? Our dog had one the size of a golf ball…removed it…now 3 more small on xray….ugh…

  4. Dear Dr.Jones,
    Our two year old toy poodle has been having some issues with her fur. I took her to the vet 3 times and they could not find why. I believe in your expertise, and I have benefited from your videos a lot. There are rust color spots on her body, almost 10 of them. Each side has some. Closer to her shoulder on each side there are two bald spots, and I Approximate Measurements seeing that some rust color hair is almost coming from those.
    Dr. Jones, there are also lumps on her body. Vet checked them, did a microscope thing and they are lipomas. Why can these spots be present and what is the reason for those bald spots? I appreciate your help. My daughter who is 6 has been crying because she thinks that Muffin can be really very sick.

    Thank you

  5. Gus, our nearly 13 year old Dalmatian, has recently had this diagnosis 😪😪 He is on cbd oil. Initially for his arthritis but now at 6 to 7 drops twice daily to help with seizures. His first seizure was between christmas and new year. Two more since then…but much less 'severe ' than the first (although in all instances he remains conscious generally alert and has not lost control of bodily functions). They don't last long…he's just stressed and scared afterwards. Calms down after about an hour or so.
    He had the last seizure last night, and your video popped up this morning. Thank you.
    I'll certainly be trying diet, vitamin D and the mushroom 😁😁🤞🤞

  6. Been waiting for some of this information. Thank you for posting
    Don't have $$ to go to vet. Got the cbd. It did help.
    What about the 'small white dog tremors'..?

  7. Atkins diet worked when my shitzu had seizures from liver disease. The vet said I could take him out of town for surgery and he might live another year. I tried Atkins for some reason (keto was years away)I don't remember now, and he lived for years.

  8. Wish I would've known about this 10 yrs ago. I'm a retired Vet Tech & I lost my best dog ever, to a brain tumor. He had a wonderful 11 yrs on this planet, but it just spread so quickly. Miss him so much, but wasn't going to put him through anymore test, meds & then, after $3,500, they still wanted to send him to an Oncologist. He had no quality of life at the end & I'm not a selfish person. He is at peace 🕊️❤️🐾😇

  9. My Bichon-Poodle has elevated liver enzymes/Cushings along with seizures… I’ve heard that cbd oils are NOT good for his elevated enzymes/Cushings … is this true? If so, what would you recommend? Also, would the vitamin D supplement and the met oils be ok to give him with his liver issues/Cushings?

  10. AGAIN!!!
    Thank You‼️ Dr. Jones👆🙌
    For **All Your Necessary Explanations….that have been…. Saving NOT ONLY *Our Best Friends as well as Preventing All type of Illnesses,
    Thank You.

  11. Does anyone know of anything that would periodically have a 4 year old terrier mix act strange, snapping and growling or totally ignoring me when he usually is like velcro. He doesn't seem to be in any pain, plenty of energy, eats well. The only thing that preceded these episodes is a couple of tick bites. It's only happened 4 times since Feb but I do not like being afraid of my 15 pound mix. I will definitely be taking him to vet if this continues but I am avoiding inside spots as I live in a highly unvaxxed area with covid in red zone.

  12. Hi! I'm new to your channel and I totally Love your kindness and highly skilled professional Veteranary care ❤ Your advice on Pyometria has helped me to help my Dog Krystal. I've been giving her the mauka honey and Tumeric & Vitamin C combination. Her symptoms have lessened alot and she is doing well and better. Have a vet appointment scheduled but until then I'm following this remedy! Thank you so very much!!!

  13. Thank you Dr Jones. Excellent informative video.

    Will you please make a video about salivary glands in dogs and what to do if they get blocked — by a calcium stone?
    How to recognize a blocked salivary gland vs an infection or cancer mass. Thank you.

  14. OMG you are speaking to me right now. My Chihuahua was diagnosed with meningoencephalitis and the only treatment has been immune suppressing drugs & gabapentin. I've been preparing to put him to sleep as his quality of life has deteriorated drastically over the past month. Thank you for providing an option that gives me some hope and may help get him off the devastating drugs, improve his quality of life and maybe even prolong it. 🐾🐕🥰 I already have your CBD oil, MCT oil, vitamin D, and just added red reishi mushrooms to my Amazon cart. Do you think Panacur would work on lieu of ivermectin? The only ivermectin I could get was in granule form and he won't eat anything that I mix it in. Thanks for all you do, doc!

  15. Dr. Hulda Clark Connected Cancer to two elements. A combination of Toxins and Parasites. Her research is Fantastic…so much so that she was kicked out of the US for curing Cancer. In humans and Animals (Dogs. Cats, Horses)

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