1. Assemblywoman Beth Sawyer is the person to go after. You are not a cop so you don't get to tell them how to do their job. Others don't tell you that you can't drink but I'm sure you sip on your wine here and there. Treat it the same way. Beth Sawyer, do what you will with her people of America.

  2. What they do on their own time should be their business right? As long as they aren't going to work under the influence

  3. “We don’t want our police consuming marijuana off duty!” Says the mayor who drinks and like a fish and drives after the weekly council meetings…..typical.

  4. Its funny that some bureaucraps delude themselves into thinking that there arent alrrady loads of cops, lawyers, judges, executives etc who dont already use.

  5. Cops regularly get tested still, and those who pop hot for thc should get a sobriety test by a sergeant when they clock in. BOOM freedom. for the most stressful job in the USA, you’d think thc Is recommended

  6. Concerned that a private citizen does something legal in their personal time…NJ needs to pull its head out of its ass and out of our privacy.

  7. If they're using it already,nobody's just using just because you pass a law.i know cops who smoke there brains out. They need to stop being stupid if you legalize it you can't stop it

  8. Cops can drink themselves to death, beat their wife, fight at the bar, have liver failure, and blackout. But cant smoke a j and eat some chips

  9. Why does it matter what people do after they get off of work hours ? Work is work. Free life is Free life. The government has gained to much power because we the people allowed it. Remember we together have the last say so, they don’t my friends.

  10. Legalize it. Beth Sawyer looks miserable. Not looking to her for advice on anything. No one should. What do we live in the 1500's? But we can get smashed from rum and vodka but can't smoke? Wow, you people really do like "Freedom".

  11. It starts with a puff of weed. Then it's heroin. Eventually homelessness. Life of crime. Death and destruction. The end of the world as we know it. (And I feel fine) 😉

  12. Let's be honest. If you think anyone who wants to smoke weed can't get it easy as milk and bread, you are simply a stupid person. The prohibition is meaningless. Stop being so gullible. When it comes to weed, your laws are a joke. Your laws have been a joke. So please, take your worthless opinions on weed and f##k right off. No one is listening to your babble anymore. Work on lowering taxes, or the long list of things that matter.

  13. The cop angle was discussed in the judiciary committee in 2017 with Matt Gaetz HR2020 rescheduling. Iowa lawmakers led howls of "first responders" couldn't be allowed to have cannabis.

  14. These are the same lawmakers that drink on the job, more than likely smoke weed on the job, these cops put their lives on the line everyday, they should be allowed to smoke pot, it does not make you a bad person. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  15. Yeah!!! Way to understand how thc in the blood and being under the influence works Karen politician lady…… Are people this dumb or just lie on purpose?

  16. In Colorado this wasn't the problem. The main problem of recreational pot in Colorado was simply your state will be invaded by endless hoards of red states scums, red states runaways, red states criminals, Colombian and Mexican cartels.

  17. God forbid officers smoke a joint and get along with everyone. Also, I think cops should be encouraged to use marijuana and magic mushrooms to treat depression and anxiety. It would save a lot of lives. Less suicides on both sides of the law.

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