Recreational marijuana dispensaries in New Jersey open their doors for the first time

It was a historic day in the Garden State on Wednesday as recreational sales of marijuana for those 21 and older started. CBS2’s …


  1. Aldous Huxley in his novel Brave New World described the use of a psychotropic drugs for mass control of a subservient population. He saw the future of America under a Demo regime.

  2. Opiod overdoses decrease an average of 11% in states that have legalized. Teen use also decreases in legalized states. Cannabis was originally criminalized to prop up the timber and cotton business and then scheduled 1 for political control over the hippies and minorities during the Vietnam war by Nixon.

  3. This is so mind twisting all the people who got arrested for weed over the years ( some still in jail ) but when it’s convenient for government it becomes legal lol πŸ˜‚ we are literally in the twilight zone

  4. When all fails in the economy make every body high … 70,s heroin , 80s crack 90,s guns , 2020,s all prior years wrapped in one ☝️

  5. I don't know anyone who smokes that will be using these shops. Prices are ridiculous. You can buy the same quality much cheaper with a private dealer.

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