1. Its all good, the bad come when we stop realizing its a medical herb and start to use it for recreation. its uses are far and beyond what we know now. her power of play concept is the most important thing to prevent abuse. idle minds do idle things

  2. This was a great conversation. Herb is a healer, but the body is not made to consume smoke. There are many forms of marijuana use; steaming, edible consumption, tea etc.
    Nice reasoning👍🏿

  3. I dont believe marijuana was made to be smoked everyday. I smoke maybe onc a month. When I do I get creative and come up with so many ideas I don't see how ppl smoke everyday. I just can't do it I wouldn't get anything done lol

  4. regardless of the benefuts, in terms of safety and compatability, it matters how you consume it….contrary to popular belief, smoking (unnatural) it is harmfull…. the breathing apparatus was not build for it.(smoking violates its form-function) ….natural consumption is safe.

  5. God created the cannabis plant with CDB and THC molecules for a REASON. Modern Medecine wants to separate them and sell you only CDB but it's a trap ( Marketing non sense ). What she failed to explain is that the potency level ( THC Level ) of today's GMO weed is too high (THC 40% +). Criminalizing the weed created a GMO weed market. You still can find natural harmless weed today but you need to have a good knowlegde and education of cannabis. If you are used to smoking high potency GMO weed it will be hard for you to enjoy and appreciate the local natural Ganja because like most youths today, they are just after the High. Natural Ganja is just like drinking tea, make you zen, that's it.

  6. The best education on ganja is the trillion, USD $$, taxation without proper representation,Rasta popularized the consumption of ganja, recreational, medical ethicist but has not by enlarge capitalized on the profits of cannabis on the earthplane 🏧🏦 banking system as trans generational wealth management collective security for surity

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