How to Solve Dog Aggression! (Dog Nation)

In this Dog Nation Episode, I help Sho Nuff, a dog who is very dog aggressive. Have you ever experienced dog aggression with …


  1. That poor Dog – obviously his life (and too many animals suffering the same life of cruelty and neglect) has been so traumatized and having to defend himself constantly and living in a state of acute fear. How absolutely tragic and sadly continues to remind us of some of the sickening and heinous so called human beings who are in our world.
    Enter Cesar Millan to show and teach humans how they need to teach with respect, kindness, gentleness love and trust. It's absolutely beautiful for every person and organisations to adopt Cesar's incredible methods. Incredible also is the fact he doesn't need to use food rewards in training which so many others use – this is another very important point. Every pet person does themselves the best thing they can ever do is to learn from Cesar Millan methods – just superb !

  2. What to do with a dog who’s aggressive towards people? Because my neighbour has a big problem with his malinois dog since he adopted it and I want to help him because he’s a person I know for a while

  3. yeah, screw kids. Wouldn't you rather have this lunging, attacking, crapping, urinating all over the place monster? Wow, how could you resist?

  4. i'd be curious to see the un cut version of these episodes. I really doubt that this happens in this happens on his first or even 5th attempt.

  5. Thank you Ceasar, with my male dog i can do that because it is happen before
    Now i have 2 and this i adopted it that is my
    Unsure feelings …that i can't
    But i can't both leave or do one by one the other one will bark ..then this neighbor will be get annoyed and cause already …my heavy load ..yes as you see I live Alone only i have my dogs ..they made issue you know while a year almost now …i can go to my work now no more i must stay that they dont bark othewise those police take my pet
    They are wrong why
    This next door they do that ever before now .I am alone i must work to survive …as you now see my burden …3 weeks now i stay home
    My dogs is not the issue the people next door they are meant ..selfish ..think only on their own my pet give me life ..I live Alone ..nobody can give me hand to …Just lend helping hand ..understand also not there …i dont work whole day only 4 hours a day ..I am sure those 4 hours is not constant the whole time they bark they are Shepherd …sheperd bark only when needed …and if I am home it is here so quiet
    Dus this next door make issue which create to me all fear anxiety …mentally …my trauma become active due 4yrs my late husband commit suïcide …as you see ..i feel shaking …what this people next door created to me …all me my pets cause this bad neighbors ..impact to me my life my financial ..they dont care only on their own
    Throw mud to me …stab me to my back …2011 they do that my pet pass away …now again…sorry its my burden truly …thank you Ceasar ,❤️🌹

  6. I have question, when I get ready for bed , I go into the bathroom. My dog likes to lay down in front of the bathroom door. I try to teach him not to lay there, because I could or my wife can trip over him. But when tell him him to move, he gets aggressive and started to growl at me. He is 16 years old. How do you I stop him, from doing this to me? I try to take control, the way you say. But it does not work. I end up put beeping and vibrating collar on him. I hate doing this

  7. I hate how he’s not even certified as a dog trainer has no background of veteran practice. People act like this guy is helping there dog but he destroys every dogs mental health and physical health. All his other post are of him kicking hiring and even choking dog as a “training method” he tell other people their dog is aggressive when his dogs even attacked a dog. Walking a dog beside a dog that he attacked is so ignorant and idiotic. He forced a terrified dog up stairs and was at the point of breaking the dogs legs. He choked a dog while hold scissors in the dogs face, as a result the dog tried to attack him out of fear and what did Cesar do he decided to choke the dog my swinging to dog in the air by its leash.
    Shame on him and the people who support it.

  8. Ceaser the Lord is within you. You are a talented and gifted human that loves animals and nature. We enjoy your work and the Amazing techniques
    Are incredibly, Keep Rockin!

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