Growing Cannabis Organically & the Soil Food Web – Jeff Lowenfels

Download the presentation here: Jeff Lowenfels dives into the soil food web to …


  1. Thankful to have started organic growing. Synthetic can stick it! Seriously though I’m grateful to have taken this route without any understanding. I’m a complete newb & I’m very happy to learn something everyday.

  2. I enjoyed until you HAD to inject POLITICS. I let one slide but after the second it was…never damn mind. I Can learn elsewhere without your OPINIONS. That has no place in a lecture about SOIL.

  3. Why does he keep dropping political jokes in the middle of a non political lecture?? I bet his pencil is too heavy for those spaghetti noodle arms.

  4. May I suggest you contact a gentleman by the name of Al Toops Head of USA sales for a company Biome Makers.
    They have the ability to test biosustainbility, health, and nutrition of your soil or grow material. Basically a DNA of your soil and the biology that's present in your soil or growing material.
    They can also test your microbial products.
    Al Toops can be reached at 918-210-4407.

  5. fuck you and your sneaking in your politics while teaching… i was all about your class until i seen that shit… you are whats wrong with the world… you are a piece of shit

  6. Diversity is not a strength at least not for humans. The more diverse a city is, the worse off it is. Where as city's with less diversity are more friendly and relatable. You can see it in almost every culture. Look a the city of Las Vegas. Very diverse and very dangerous. And people still segregate themselves, the northwest is more white, the northeast is majority black and south is Spanish. Diversity is not a strength it is weakness. I bet half of people that live in citys don't know their neighbors.

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