New Jersey Community Prioritizes Social Equity In Recreational Marijuana Rollout

As more states cash in on the cannabis industry, there is a push to prioritize people with prior marijuana convictions. One New …


  1. People can be happy and without weed tho. Why fake, illusional happiness if you can get real? It's just releasing dopamine. Smokes, weed, booze… Maybe try sports, hanging out qith family friends, concentrate on life goals and eventually recive the better life, more fulfilled and prosperous. And government need to help with in not to promote junk habits, educate people from the young age to help them make a healthier choice

  2. What utterly amazes me is not only the hesitation, it seems, by the federal justice system to punish the leaders of the coup in America, but the refusal to acknowledge this injustice and legalize it federally. Blows my mind.

  3. It has definitely being a hard time for our brothers and sisters of color… you listen to that young man, you hear an articulate intelligent man. Imagen how many man like him were shunt from participating in this great experience and experiment called This our United States of America
    We could have been so far ahead of our time if it not for the social handcuffs put on minorities
    May God Bless that family and best wishes to that young man

  4. Marijuana creates a false economy.
    California is an example of this.
    Grass went from $5,000 a pound to $500. Everybody grows it. Everybody gives it away. Make Way for next year's crop.

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