CBD Buyer's Guide For Golfers | MYGOLFSPY

CBD Buyer’s Guide | MYGOLFSPY It’s a serious question surrounding a growing trend: Should we make a buyer’s guide for CBD?


  1. So I know I'm late to the game here, but… this is a tough test/buyer's guide to do. You can't possibly prove or disprove a medical benefit so the guide would be on what brands have the ingredients they say they do? Again, tough to test that. I would really like to see this, but I'm not sure how you can pull it off and be 100% confident of your results. Finally, putting out a subjective, anecdotal guide doesn't seem your guys' style.

  2. Dont get me wrong it seems by all accounts to be a good thing and I would be interested in a buyer's guide to CBD… BUT! It's a pes performance enhancing substance when used like tiger and Phil. Helping to keep your nerve. Helping with pain and other illnesses in 1 thing, steroids are great to help things like that also. But when used in a particular way like tiger and Phil its cheating and should be band without medical approval.

  3. You are playing with fire. Since as you say it is the wild, wild west out there and the FDA has not established the guidelines, there is no way to know there is no active THC or actually what the potency and ingredients actually are. Sounds like Deer Antler Spray – right Vijay?

  4. Definitely like to know more about cbd, I have the same form of arthritis as PM and am always battling inflammation and pain in my knees. Be nice to know what's useful and what should be avoided.

  5. I would love to see a buyers guide! I have essential tremors and beta blockers have not been effective. I have tried so many things for the past 20 years to no avail. I have used cbd cream for aches and pains and it appears to be effective.

  6. I haven't tried it, but it would be nice to have reliable information on uses, dosages for different forms, brand reliability, effectiveness, etc. Go for it!

  7. Would love to see this. It is basically the wild, wild west out there with regards to quality. If you could do legit testing for quality and THC content (for those who get drug tested for work), it could reach, and help, a lot of people.

  8. I would love to see what CBD products I should be using. After 21 years as an Airborne Infantryman in the Army I want to know What's good or bad so I'm not wasting my money.

  9. I would be interested in this buyers guide. I especially like the gum idea for on the course. I'm also interested in seeing how it actually changes things in the course vs. off.

  10. *Most importantly, Be sure to research NATIONAL, STATE, and LOCAL LAWS regarding CBD oil and the possession of CBD. Although most court cases involving CBD get overturned there are still laws in the US that aren’t clear on CBD possession.* Having said that, I use CBDMD vape juice because it’s supposedly the fastest acting formula but doesn’t last as long as tinctures or edibles. I struggled with insomnia for over 20 years until I tried CBD oil. CBD oil isn’t a cure for anything, however it’s a better alternative than most prescription drugs that treat the same issues. CBD didn’t cure my insomnia but it reduced the issue by 50% at least. Best of luck to all those seeking help for their ailments!

  11. If you've missed it…..last week(7/2 email) AmateurGolf just covered a quick start guide to CBD and rules/regs on tour and tournament play along with a link and coupon to Jetty CBD. Sadly, they are out of all products as of yesterday. I guess the coupon worked well! As for different platforms of ingesting or administration = different speed of benefits and duration of such.

    EXCLUSIVE: Save 20% at JettyCBD.com by using code: AMGOLF20
    Visit JettyCBD.com for more information.

  12. No, No, and more No. The stuff is not regulated (I understand the interest), but you guys don't have the resources to test for purity, concentration, or non-subjective efficacy. MYGOLFSPY is about golf and it would be wise to avoid getting too far off target. Just don't do it.

  13. I'd be fascinated to have some more information about CBD. I'm chronically arthritic and live in a climate that isn't ideal for arthritis (Ireland is wonderful but tends to be cool and wet). There's a chap called Tim Lovejoy who hosts a Sunday morning magazine programme on C4 in UK, he also has a podcast and has recently interviewed a lady called Hayley Millbank. Perhaps you should give that a listen?

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