Should Marijuana Be Legalized? | Pros and Cons of Legalizing Medical and Recreational Marijuana

Should Marijuana Be Legalized? | Pros and Cons of Legalizing Medical and Recreational Marijuana. This video weighs out the …


  1. The opponents of medical marijuana would change their tune if it worked for one of their ailments. As a pain killer it's a lot better than getting hooked on opiates.

  2. Did use such substances to get high. Why because it made me chill.
    Haven't used marijuana since 1983. The Holy Spirit is my deposit now to draw on for wisdom, strength, common sense.
    The lavish grace of God delivered me from being a greedy slob.
    I had been mentored to get my body in shape, but healthy body healthy Mind'!
    I was short sighted and blind and put my will too often first.
    But Jesus Last Will and Testament has and still is the most productive investment!
    Psychological dependency on anything or anyone
    except God's One and Only Crucified & Risen Son will surely help you overcome.
    Keeping your nerve Jesus kept His and didn't waste His pain!
    Are you repenting and born again by the living and enduring Word that's sacred?
    It is the genuine Way to make it through this ever increasing evil world
    The Absolute Truth was unfurled outside a city wall at Calvary's Mount
    How you gonna settle your account?
    You cannot serve God and Mammon.
    Heaven or Hell where will you finally dwell?
    G R A C E Great Riches At Christ's Expense!

  3. Arrest for DWI is what we will see more on pot legalization, I feel like thats the only con, but I doubt anyone who enjoys drinking alcohol or smoking tobacco will just drop it dead for weed, it will just be a different but successful revenue stream along side alcohol and tobacco

  4. You can get secondhand smoke from cigarettes and they are still legal. You can drive on the road safe while smoking unless you are a young driver who is already not experienced. I'm sure drunk drivers are far more likely to cause car accidents than weed smokers anyways. Teenagers at like 16-17 should be allowed to make some choices while they are young to experience weed and decide for themselves how it affects their bodies in the safety of their own homes. Black markets wouldn't have to undercut marijuana prices if marijuana wasn't designed to make you broke by overcharging it to make a profit. You don't see tomatoes, grapes, or even cantaloupes for 10 and 20 a G nor do you see big corporations taking advantage of the fruit and vegetable industry. Or you could allow everyone to grow their own marijuana where people wouldn't have to waste their hard-earned money on the stuff. It has the same difference as your dad's liquor cabinet or pack of smokes. Not to mention glass bowls and bongs are sold across the country regardless of marijuana laws. And if people want to use cbd let that be their own choice. They shouldn't have the right to dictate and opinionize other's lives just because of what works for them. For a country that was supposedly built on the freedom of choice, it is ironic that marijuana laws have been placed over a few negative opinions like 50 plus years ago. Everyone who is against weed either hasn't tried it, tried it once, and didn't smoke right, or got nervous when their heart beat a little too fast. Not everyone has been exposed to marijuana at a young age or grew up in a drug-free household. It is easy not to understand something you cannot relate to. Tell rich folks they cannot have a glass of champagne at a celebration or a convention and watch them lose their shit. They will see it as harmless even though if you drink enough, it will actually kill you. Real drug addicts depend on their dose but weed is only dependable for a small percentage who smoke it because the scrutiny against it makes them say they will never quit something that makes them enjoy life. Something I learned about having a strict parent. Tell a kid they can't do something they enjoy like play a video game or go out on a Saturday and they will rebel. Letting a kid make their own decisions will only cause less pressure in the family circle and the kid will eventually learn on their own and decide what they want to do. Still, educate your children and let them know the facts about moderation. Think of America as our parent and we are the children of America. Only America needs better parental training for brainwashing the land with unfair laws and condoning more unhealthy alternatives. Honestly, I would rather have a child taking cbd or small amounts of thc that will not fry their brains and to stop them from being too hyperactive than have a therapist prescribe them 10 different medications and practically experiment on children. If you don't want the wrong people to take advantage of marijuana, make it completely legal where the only people to benefit from it are the consumers. If America wants to really make a profit, sell it for very low prices at dispensaries. I would buy 100 dollars of cheap good weed before I spend a penny on heavily taxed overpriced weed. Mcdonald's does it and has been the largest fast-food chain in the world for god knows how long. Do you see people wasting their money on overpriced burgers and making that same kind of money? I'll end this comment here.

  5. I have migraines and cbd helps ease my pain when I cannot get high and thc edibles knock out the pain when I get a bad migraine attack. It also helps me sleep better. I can't smoke but edibles have helped me. Is it for everyone, no. Should it be illegal- also no.

  6. It’s crazy cause alcohol and cigarettes are legal but both of them cause way more deaths. Alcohol poisoning and excessive use alone is the cause of over 95,000 annually in the USA not counting drunk driving. Cigarettes are responsible for more than 480,000 deaths in the us each year. Weed has never directly killed anyone, there are a couple of deaths on record that possibly were worsened by marijuana use. I honestly think weed isn’t legal everywhere because the government hasn’t gotten a proper way to tax it everywhere and won’t get as much profit from weed taxes as they do from cigarettes and alcohol

  7. I'm still unsure what I think but where I live they're marijuana shops and many people look very young and healthy so idk how I feel about young people getting it cause I don't see no 65 year old with back pain going into those shops but again I still don't know what to side with

  8. Pretty much all of the negatives that are a "possible" threat for legalizing marijuana are already threats for the legal drugs of alcohol and tobacco, so….what's the real reason for weed being illegal?

  9. It stinks, it's a strong pungent smell that literally travels. My neighbour smokes it and it makes my house stink. If it's legal then it needs to be in shops cafes only. I shouldn't have to suffer because you want to smoke it. There has to be a middle ground.

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