I've Never Told You This, Get To Know Me Beyond My Stage 4 Cancer Diagnosis

Going beyond my stage 4 cancer and revealing a nine year struggle that my husband and I endured. All Items in this video:) white …


  1. No one should ever be guilted into a nightmare situation like that! So aggressive and mean. Probably knew she could get away with it. Died when she knew the game was over. Just my opinion. I’m biased because I have a crazy ancient mother. And I’ve seen it all.

  2. Shame on other family for putting this on you and your husband, and NOT stepping in to make sure you can focus on YOU. Aren't your kids, her grandkids and other grandkids or any family able to full time support her? This makes me mad/ sad. To burden you and your husband long term full time – they didn't need to help, they needed to take over care for grandma. What a shame! As a nurse, I know how hard cancer patients struggle during treatment, and I tell families NOT to put this kind of strain on someone healing and trying to fight to live! Hard to keep your strength up when dealing with this level of responsibility – Dementia is relentless and draining. Bless you and your husband ♡ But total shame on every other family member who stood around and didn't step up! 😕

  3. Isn’t it interesting how we can see and old situation with compassion and gratitude that it’s behind us. It’s so what happens to some folks with dementia. I worked as a nurse on a Geriatric Unit for several years. It was very challenging,but we got to go home at the end of our shift. Unlike you who was ill,trying to raise a family and living with your demented mil 24/7. You would never believe the things l was accused of lol

  4. I’ve been a CNA and Home Health Aide and a Phlebotomist, it is a hard job but I loved it and my sweet patients, it’s a hard thing to watch a loved one go through. That lose so much dignity and they are just frustrated. But, kindness and love go a long way. My mom is living with me and it’s hard sometimes but no way will I ever put her in a nursing home. She doesn’t have dementia but she’s been thru cancer 3 times, she can’t walk and has kidney disease. My brother doesn’t help either, it’s just me and that’s okay this is what we do for the people we love. 🥰♥️ Your hair and skin look flawless, love, hugs and prayers to you❣️

  5. I sound like a broken record on repeat, BUT it's true, you and your husband are simply angels on earth. God Bless you both. Thank you for sharing your lives with us, forever grateful.

  6. Thank you for sharing so much about your life. Those of us in the "long-term chronic illness Club" sometimes seem to relate with each other better than we do with our own family and friends 😊 I guess that Parasocial relationships really can exist! Just wanted to ask how work is going… hope you're feeling well and not becoming overwhelmed with the added workload ❤️ prayers and blessings sent your way😘

  7. Thankyou for that peek into your world Jodi – my best friend and her partner lived with and looked after her dad (alzheimers) for years – she went through a very similar journey. None of her three siblings would help, and she constantly copped abuse! It was heartbreaking. 😢 Your man is a true gem, an absolute keeper! As are you. 💖

  8. That's such an amazing story! I love your honesty and your ability to take care of her for that long when you were so sick! I wonder if taking care of her is what kept you alive! You are so strong! Thank you for sharing! God Bless You and your Family!🙏🏻❤️

  9. Hey Jodi…👍, my dad had Alzheimer’s for 10 yrs. mom mom has cared for many sick friends and family. She says this is the WORST thing she has seen.He turned violent on her one night too and beat her up after 58 yrs of marriage. His last day alive he kept giving her goodbye kisses. I’m sorry y’all had to do that.

  10. Isn’t it something how if it’s not the body, it is the mind. My grandmother had dementia and it was so hard on the family and I was so young at the time (early 20s) I couldn’t even relate as a young adult. Now at 40 my perspective is a bit different but I still cannot imagine dealing with that struggle, to care for a loved one who just isn’t there anymore. Love to you Jodi.

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