How medical marijuana affects your body

Understanding marijuana’s medical value starts with getting a clear picture of what it is and what it does. Here’s a look at how it …


  1. I used Dr Madida herbal medicine for 3 weeks and my herpes virus wasĀ  gone, you should try thisĀ because even recently my Dad told me that he got cured from his POTS in using his herbal remedies too, I never knew that my Dad know this herbal doctor even down to his YouTube channel. I am so happy that this herbal doctor is really helping people.

  2. I smoked a lot of good weed as a teenager, and never drank alcohol. I was very happy, but the lifestyle lead me to other bad substances and negative effects. I'm thinking of trying medical cannabis.

  3. I must appreciateĀ  my wife who took it upon herself to take care of me even when all hope was lost. I thought I wasn't going to surviveĀ  this Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis disease I had but so luckily my wife found Dr Madida on YouTube, a herbalist that has cure thousands of people with his herbs due to our notice of his patientsĀ  positive testimonies, so my wife bought me a herbal medicine from him which I used. Before i was on sick bed can't do anything but right now I play with my kids, play football with them. I have no obstructionĀ  on my lungs anymore, breathing freely without pains or shortness of breath. I am just living normally as a healthy fellow after using Dr madida herbal medicine and right now I must conclude that he cured me.

  4. All thanks to Dr Madida on YouTube for accepting to help me the first place, he indeed cured me of my IPF(Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis) with his herbal medicine.

  5. If there's hundreds of different Cannabinoids in general – the possibilities are endless in some ways in isolating certain Cannabinoids for certain medical treatments for illnesses or diseases. Or use many for things like curing cancer – since your life šŸ§¬ is on the line… you might as well do your best too cure your cancer.

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