A custom hemp bucking board

Processors at Leaning Barn Farm in Bristol feed hemp stems into a custom bucking board they built themselves. Video by …


  1. you are so mean why are you doing those plants like that when they are worth 50X as much as clone starters and reach maturity in half the time with optimized environment conditions
    the genetics and far more than you realize are being lost

  2. Having many years in the legal cannabis industry of Colorado which is heavily regulated with laws and product testing. I can only imagine all the tiny metal shavings/flakes getting into the flower itself. Although it would make sense to use this exact method if the product was being "blasted" (turned into concentrate/dabs). Many things skip over people's minds… but then again some people don't care about the quality of smokeable flower.

  3. Lol so many stupid people in the comments freaking out over "yOure DesTrOying thE bEaUtiful bUds" maybe read the title and realize this is hemp aint noone ever gonna smoke this stuff.

  4. I hope this is hepm and not cannabis. hepm can be treated like trash cuase it is trash, you wouldn't dare do this with some real fire buds. must be some backyard boo boo 👎. very lazy approach, never heard of clippers …lazy poor qaulity approach

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