1. Thats crazy! Just a couple months ago i was doing some light research on the actual dark ages, and comparing it to the very recent past and present.. and everyone i mentioned these similarities to, thought i was a loon. Nice to know someone else is on the same brainwave as i am!

  2. Neil Oliver conversatiin was a knock out!!
    I sent it to friends and family!!
    (Wet work, Dr. Peterson warned on when he pointed out how easy it might be to become a concentration guard.)
    P.S.where to buy tshirts?? I don't see a link.

  3. when tragedy feels like
    overwhelming oppression
    comedy must be mined
    not unlike a priest
    as pastor
    loud gas
    in church
    when the
    builds something
    will eventually give way
    true grace being minted
    during hard times
    be more wary
    as cautionary tale
    squirming cringe

  4. You can call it a "dark age" but others have called it the "decline of the West". These two names are if not synonymous then deeply connected. Jacques Barzun comes to mind who described the decline of the university and the decline of the west.

  5. although
    the grand father
    and father can
    be one and same
    mucking its lineage
    potentially both
    genetically and
    socially in
    as ickiness
    a curse placed
    is it better to
    be an orphan
    dropped off at
    the fire station
    not aborted
    not legislated
    to become
    poster child
    must be out lawed
    along with menstruation
    parenting is everything

  6. niels wet work idea
    is regressive
    free lunch spoon
    fed diaper changes
    as en massed ganged
    up weaponized tantrum
    mobs becoming over
    whelming taxing tithes
    extorting reality looting it
    as monster devouring
    its creator dr franken
    whore their enslaver
    the toilet begging
    to be flushed
    requiring firmer
    grips be applied
    to plunging tools

  7. toilets with lids
    that are made to flip
    encourage males
    to stand up when
    urinating this is
    out right misogynistic
    this behavior must be
    curbed as display of hate

  8. why do most males
    stand to urinate
    a government
    study must
    be funded
    this is wrong
    behavior hire
    pharma science
    proven effective
    as tricky craft
    peddling deceit
    no more toilets
    made with lids
    that flip up
    yellow splatter
    is a potentially
    profitable side
    effect billing code
    insurance companies
    will pass on the bill
    paid by raising rates
    standing to urinate
    is misogynistic
    be sure and
    shave under
    arm hair and
    get a wax job
    the emperor
    prefers feet
    to be bound as
    flash in pan fetish

  9. as dear albert
    the humble patent
    clerk warned beware
    of the guild of whores
    placing knives in his
    back attempting to
    gang up sabotage
    his work that
    dissented by
    side effect
    as curious
    inquiry set
    free to mingle
    only to then later
    be embraced by the
    guild sabotaging his
    work by worshipful
    idolatry placing
    him upon a
    fragile pedestal
    no more black board
    instead cartoon caricature

  10. choose the scent of beauty
    refuse to be a neo lab rat
    forcibly indoctrinated
    to accept ear tagged
    feed bagged muzzled
    castrations in thrall
    to the worship of
    deceit deifying
    idiocy in the
    process of
    branded as
    punch line swill

  11. It is inspiring to see how two very liberal professors can start to see the light once they were properly targeted and ridiculed enough that they had to reassess their political leanings.

  12. Bret's latest wisdom is;
    "we need to stop talking about data, because it is evidence that matters".
    Evidence is what WE decide it is.
    Just like gender – WE are the sex identity that WE decide that we are.
    Same thing.
    WE decide what constitutes "evidence" – that's what counts.
    "Facts" is part of "Academia". White supremacy bullshit!
    Evidence is what WE decide it is.
    Dark Intellects Matter!

  13. San Francisco State was teaching "inventive spelling" to educators. Example: Teacher asks student to spell 'for'. Student says 'fur' and teacher writes that on the board and says "good". This is so the student won't have their self esteem hurt. One educator raised her hand and said, "What about the students self esteem who already know how to spell for?"

  14. I heard “caramelizing people” than cannibalizing people… But I agree with Heather, phd or no,hopefully the genuinely insightful find a voice

  15. I can exhale when this show comes on because I know it will be full of sense and intelligence…without being pompous or irritating. Love it.

  16. This just in…sociopath, college drop out, and good friend of the "suicidal" Jeffrey Epstein, AKA Bill Gates just had some interesting admissions on Covid that will, of course, be ignored by Fat Pharma and our Lame stream media…things we independent minded and critical thinking humans have been saying for over a year…here's the link…

  17. But how do you react when someone insists that what you are used to describing as an ant is in fact an elephant?
    Because we have individuals insisting that what I and presumably you would describe as a man is in fact a woman.

  18. I would not equate specialist with stupidity either, but instead an ignorance of the broad spectrum in whatever field we are talking about.
    Once again, thank you for being a breath of fresh air in the smoke filled room.

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