NY police chief: Marijuana law has a major enforcement loophole | News

Possessing and consuming cannabis is now legal for those 21 and older, but thereā€™s still confusion over what to do with the under-21 crowd.

Saugerties PoliceĀ ChiefĀ Joseph SinagraĀ is concerned that the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act passed last year has loopholes regarding under-21 enforcement, and says that the state does not give police the authority to handle these violations.

Sinagra has ordered his department not to seize any cannabis from individuals under 21, stating ā€œthere is currently no mechanism in place to enforce against mere possession in small amountsā€ for that age group.

Sinagra spoke with syracuse.com about his concerns, suggestions and conversations with the OCM so far on the topic.

ā€¢ How often are minors caught with marijuana that there is a need for more guidelines?

Sinagra: We see it all the time. When I was in junior high, I consumed. Iā€™m 57 years old, it never changed. When weā€™re on foot patrol, we come across an alley or you walk through one of the parks, and you smell cannabis burning, you turn around and itā€™s a group of teenagers. In the past, under the old marijuana law, we were able to issue a ticket and take the marijuana from you. Under the new cannabis legislation, we donā€™t have the ability to do that anymore unless you possess more than three ounces.

If a parent was having trouble with their kids doing drugs like weed, prior to the new cannabis legislation, we could refer parents to a probation intake, and the person gets put on something called aĀ PINS, a person in need of supervision. A parent, police officer, and even school district who finds a child in possession or consuming cannabis can file to have them in a PINS. When they made the new cannabis legislation, they repealed the PINS section that addressed cannabis. I donā€™t know why. I think if weā€™re here to protect our youth, PINS is a good thing.

ā€¢ What would you like to see in the new cannabis legislation or town codes regarding enforcement for violators under 21?

What Iā€™m looking for, really, is for the state to takeĀ Alcohol Beverage Control legislationĀ and letā€™s just mirror it, so where it says ā€˜alcoholā€™ you just put cannabis instead. That covers all the legalities of an individual whoā€™s less than 21 possessing. Obviously, that was never the intent for theĀ Office of Cannabis ManagementĀ to allow a person less than 21 years of age to possess and consume.

I think where they get hung up is that under theĀ Office of Cannabis Management, a person who is less than 21 years of age and who is found in possession is in violation of a civil section. We only enforce criminal violations. The question that has yet to be answered is ā€˜who is going to enforce the civil offense?ā€™

ā€¢ Is there any way that a police officer can enforce this civil offense?

The Office of Cannabis ManagementĀ has an enforcement unit that will be established. The question is, how will it work? Do we say ā€˜hey, we found this person in possession,ā€™ and they come down and they can wage a fine? Are they going to send people out or is it something in the law that really isnā€™t enforceable?

Under theĀ ABCĀ law, it gives a definition of a police officer and their jurisdiction, and it gives police the authority to issue a ticket and take the alcohol legally. The cannabis law doesnā€™t give us anything. We canā€™t take away cannabis from someone who is under 21, even if theyā€™re within the legal limit of three ounces or less, because the law doesnā€™t say we can.

ā€¢ Do you thinkĀ New York StateĀ should have taken more measures and waited longer before passing the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act?

Yes. I think, at the end of the day, politics played a major part in the passing of this legislation, prior to really sitting down and making sure they had all the answers to all the questions. I think that was done because at the time the election was coming up, and formerĀ Governor CuomoĀ was looking to get re-elected. The people wanted, for the most part, the legalization of cannabis. But we did it so expeditiously that we ignored common sense.

ā€¢ Are there any updates in trying to get new legislation will address these loopholes?

Iā€™m still looking for the legislation. Iā€™ve gotten some leeway and acknowledgment from representatives that they have reviewed the law and they agree that thereā€™s a loophole. Iā€™ve even spoken to theĀ Cannabis Control BoardĀ as late as last week, and they too agree. The legislation wasnā€™t intended to have a loophole, but the loophole does exist.

I had a really good conversation with Senator Sanderā€™s office, and they listened to me, they get it, and they understand it. Iā€™m starting to get more and more representatives that are saying “we need to look into this.” Itā€™s not just my assumption.

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