1. Hey everyone! So things have been a bit slow in the porter and polly world this week and I've had some topics related to Porter's PTSD video I've wanted to address so heres the first one! I'll re-iterate, I don't think CBD oil is utterly useless. I just think it's extremely overhyped and not a day goes by where I don't see a dozen or so comments about how I should use it for one thing or another. Also keep in mind that while I do mention my personal experience with CBD, I'm mostly referring to cbd oil with dogs. At this point there's only 1 drug that is FDA approved that contains CBD oil and that's very interesting considering it's not exactly new and considering how wild the claims are by some of these companies.

    I'm also not saying all approved medication is GREAT or anything. In fact I think SSRIS (antidepressants) are the most over prescribed medication EVER that barely performs better than placebo in a great deal of studies.

    Oh, I also forgot to mention what finally pushed me to make this one was a CBD oil company offered me a sponsorship deal last week. Surprising amount of money… But I could never promote something I don't believe in. My wife has also been approached by CBD oil companies to push their product as well. So it's hard to trust anyone these days.

  2. Years ago I had a miniature doxie who was terrified of fireworks. I used no medication. Solved his problem by never going anywhere on the 4th. I stayed home and kept him close to me. With mom there holding him he remained safe, calm and secure. When he passed (old age) I grieved for a long time. I think of him every 4th of July and wish he was still here with me.

  3. Porter and Polly are very happy healthy little dogs and they love their life and their loving family๐Ÿ•โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿพ

  4. Andy you know what's best for your dogs your wife is a veterinarian for Christ she knows a little bit more than these snake oil assholes keep safe keep healthy kiss princess brimley for me and pet the PAW patrol and the kitty cat contingent I love you your wife and your daughter peace

  5. If you want something that's more trusting try hydroxizyne aka vastril it's an antihistamine and used as a anti anxiety medication it's widely used in humans and dogs and other animals it helps with anxiety, sleep and stomach issues talk to your vet about it and good luck man ๐Ÿ‘

  6. CBD only did one thing for me: improve my sleep quality. So much so that I had trouble getting up in the morning. So I get a good laugh out of your story.

  7. This is a wonderful video on many levels. Hope all is well with you, the family and Port and Polly. Lots of folks including me are very endeared to your life and times and find these vids a respite from the trials and tribulations of everyday life. Be well and thanks for the memories.

  8. Most of the "nutritional" supplements I've collected over the years are unnecessary. A basic multivitamin/mineral supplement are all that our bodies need. We can eat better, exercise/move more, be more genuinely social. We can learn to be less dependent on electronic devices (smartphones and TV) and use our brains to actively engage with the world. Get out if the house, take walks around your neighborhood (your dog will thank you), breathe deeply and smell the roses. Leave your phone at home. You don't need it. I'm off to walk our long haired Chihuahua and watch the squirrels. Have a happy day everyone๐Ÿ™
    Deep breathing, meditation, and yoga are all good for you and can be done at home. YouTube has exercise videos that you can cast to your smart TV to do at home. Your body is your temple; respect it. Nurture body and mind.

  9. Do what works best for you and your animals. I used it for my oldest Boston Terrier, Midori, who as he got older, experienced severe pain in his back legs. It really did not help. He had to be put down a few months shy of his 15th birthday ๐Ÿฅฒ๐Ÿ’”. For some people or pets it works. No two people/pets are the same.

  10. Andy, totally am on your side on this one I bought some for my Lucee for her anxiety and it didn't do a thing for her. Unfortunately I have to give her meds when thunderstorms come or ifninhave to leave her alone which is very very rare but when it happens I'd rather know she is going to be safe then worrying about someone thinking I'm a bad mom because I have to give her meds. If they don't like it, then that's their problem as long as I know my baby is safe and that the medication works for her good. So๐Ÿ˜ to those ppl that have a problem with us being good parents to our babies. You are an awesome dad and they are blessed to have you! As you are as well โ˜บ๏ธ

  11. CBD oil worked very well for our one little dog who had seizures. I have another dog who has severe anxiety, CBD Oil is not working all that well for her. Every dog or person is different and diffierent brands of CBD OIl are different. What works for one is not necessarily going to work for another. Do your research on CBD Oil and the different brands before purchasing. I never expected miracles but appreciated the bit of help CBD oil gave me.

  12. They are your dogs. You and your wife who is a vet know what is best for them. They are healthy and happy , besides you have experience with fostering pets. I say ignore the comments, if possible. I enjoy your videos and love Polly and Porter. The picture showed Porter on a blanket with the caption I'am in trouble and I thought he did something. Oh, Porter I'm so sorry I thought that. You and Polly are so sweet. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

  13. Post Script on my last comment. I do have a 13 year old Chihuahua and he has canine epilepsy, he takes phenobarbital for seizure control and this month he goes in for his annual appointment for blood work to check liver function, etc. I've honestly never asked the vet about CBD oil and he's never mentioned anything about it to me either. My DJ seems to be doing well on his prescription of phenobarbital. He just knows he gets 2 bites of hot dogs every day. Sorry about the long winded extended comments. Peace ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ.

  14. CBD oil probably does help some people with some things. I have a friend who swears by it. I have some and I haven't even mustered up the nerve to try it yet. Maybe l should. And I also get annoyed when it claims to be a remedy for every malady out there. And I'm not saying that you shouldn't try it. If it works and really does help, that's great. But it might not. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I guess it would have to be judged on an individual basis. It might work with one person's body chemistry, but not another. That's my take on the CBD thing.

  15. I've never tried it on my dog, but have for myself with zero results. I'm happy for those it helps, but it's not for everyone. Thank you for your sanity – it makes the world better. ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. Okay, I agree with you. I'm ill, and everyone screamed CBD at me. My life does not veer in that direction, but willing to give it a try, for my health issues. It truly did nothing. I did buy a cream, but it also had menthol and other soothing ingredients, so….was very temporary. My dogs have anxiety issues, valid issues- my vet refused to give a short term anxiety med, and it was truly needed. I am one of the last people to say medicate, but if it is needed, then do it. The pheromone collars did little- I do use Rescue Remedy, and it does work- for people and non people. It's not a cure-all, and is temporary, but is gentle- when I first encountered it, I was very doubtful- as I laid there in a car accident, waiting for help. Someone gave me some- and it helped.( I thought they might poison me, so I did not know what it was). Also, I use Vermont Naturals Calming Treats- and although it doesn't seem like it works- when we run out, I see a difference. You know your pups and kitties, so you can determine what they need- it's really no one else's business. And you are allowed to express your opinion- especially when you base it on research. Most people don't do the research. People like to think that they are experts and are mean spirited. Poo on them.

  17. If yโ€™all are here to make waves, step backโ€ฆ..be hypnotized by the beauty of Porter and Polly. Let the waves of chihuahua euphoria overtake your senses! Goos chihuahua!

  18. OMG how could anyone hate you Andy? You are such a kind person with a beautiful soul. You do what you think is best for your pets and your family. You always have their best interests at heart. Who could ask for more than that?

  19. You use what works for your particular situation everybody's got their own opinion what works for them may not work for you no big deal you pick up your pants you find something else and you go on ๐Ÿ’•

  20. Don't ever sell your principles. I know you won't, but hang in there. You do amazing things with the rescues. All medications don't work the same for all people or animals. If it did there wouldn't be as many pharmaceuticals in this world.

  21. Such sweet and relaxing images to view for ranting, lol ๐Ÿ˜‚ I never tell people, "ya gotta try this…now!", and don't appreciate when it's said to me either.
    My vet suggested CBD oil to lessen my Ellie's arthritis discomfort, but that's where it ends.
    It'll never be cured, but if I see her have more mobility, and she's more comfortable, I'm happy.
    I don't know why people get upset about differences of opinion. And I really don't know how anybody could have a bad attitude when coming to the Porter and Polly gang's channel.
    These vids always brighten my day. Big hugs & puppy kisses from our pack to yours ๐Ÿ‘

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