A Re-Evaluation of Cannabis | Muralikrishnan Dhanasekaran & Manoj Govindarajulu | #SangamTalks

Sangam Talks presents this, the first in a series of talks on Cannabis. talk in a series of talks on Cannabis, A Re-Evaluation of the …


  1. Nice Info. FDA's role in regulating drugs is overrated after the COVD pandemic. I am an active user and my experience is good, especially for sleep and pain. The man who is doing the presentation has only one case, a man who jumps off a cliff. rest of the users are just happy. The lesson is anything in moderation is helpful.

  2. India has a HUGE potential in the global cannabis industry
    It’s Malana and various Kashmir strands are popular here in western countries
    Let’s create a new industry in India!

  3. Legalization is most essential. Especially now when the global economy is in a precarious spot. This is the right time for India to bring back the potent medicinal herb used in various Ayurvedic medicines. Just because the West demonized it and made it illegal, India blindly followed the West and destroyed one of the most important element of Ayurveda. We could have easily treated our diseases (which we have been doing so quite well for thousands of years) and relied heavily on Western medicine. Now we have all become fat, lethargic and get diagnosed with diabetic, heart issues and cancer. We really need to restart Cannabis research and bring it back to mainstream.

    Ban cigarettes, gutka and alcohol which are the main causes of violence, addiction and deaths. Bring back the medicinal herb!

  4. We must legalise cannabis in our country. It is Significantly less harmful and even have beneficial effects. Also it's there in our vedas and puranas. If you want to ban then ban hard alcohol and synthetic drugs.

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