1. I thought I will learn from your videos but šŸ‘Žā€¦ I should keep watching to @dr.Eric Berg videos because it help me a lot than this. Itā€™s just a waste of time šŸ˜€āœŒšŸ»

  2. Anyone who follows him knows he's a chiropractor. duhh. So he doesn't have an MD. So what? There are "citizen scientists" (non-MD) all over the place who know more than the average MD–you, included. I reversed my T2 diabetes, high blood pressure and arthritis with a keto-carnivore diet. My arthritis was so bad I couldn't walk. Now I mow the lawn, run around, whatever. Show me any plant based diet that can do that. You can't. Listen, lab results don't lie. That's the bottom line. You are seriously misinformed. Whole grains are deadly. Seed oils are deadly and don't even consider eating vegetable oils. "Healthy carbohydrates" is an oxymoron. I laughed when I heard you use that phrase! Your body doesn't need ANY carbs, EVER. You need to watch Dr. Ken Berry or any one of hundreds of doctors from all over the world who know way more than you do. Also, watch Dr. David Diamond on Youtube about cholesterol. Studies prove that the higher your cholesterol, the longer you live. You'll see that the conferences you attend (IF you attend them) , sponsored by pharmaceutical companies, are lying to you with statistics and information they have manipulated to further their own agenda. So it's not entirely your fault that you're so ignorant but it's up to you to learn what they didn't teach you about in med school–nutrition. Your "studies" are observational–worthless in the world of science. YOU are the one who's been exposed here. PLEASE educate yourself!! You are killing your patients.

  3. Wow, you are just a hater! Why you laugh other pplā€™s name to make yourself look better? Very immature. You even have strong accent! And look at your videos, are you helping other ppl?

  4. I am Dr Bercs patient and love him. For my chronic back issues he had me drinking aged urine(60 days or more) and eating JIF peanut butter 3 times a day. My back is fixed but I now have ecoli and salmonella……..

  5. I watched Dr Berg a few years ago but I donā€™t really like his advice . I donā€™t believe in Keto . Itā€™s not sustainable for the rest of your life . Also eating red meat , a lot cheese etc can lead to heart attacks . However , each to their own!

  6. He has a video where he says make sure youā€™re drinking plenty of TAP water for the minerals especially while fasting.. made me mad being pretty well informed on the subject and knowing how awful the tap water is now in most of the US. Also bc my dad listens to this guy and dr burgers a huge following. He is clearly doing way too much bullshitting for what heā€™s supposed to be.

  7. With all due respect Leo I beg to greatly differ whatever you have to say in the next 15 mins as from the first 3 mins I figured out that you are going to throw so much medical jargon that I will loose interest & not benefit at all!! This is where Dr. BERG comes in, he has simplified health & he has changed my perspective of taking your health in to our own hands. Especially if you are not down with a severe disease you can turn back the age clock and bring yourself to excellent health. Unfortunately all doctors are hellbent on giving you meds and not advice which will take you off the meds. Dr. Berg is a God sent person & his way of handling an issue is ground breaking. I donā€™t care if he is a carpenter but he makes sense and I have lost 45 pounds due to his videos.

  8. Dr Berg EXPOSED to help people and cure disease.. Berg is Better than most the BS MD out there… stay in school and keep telling your self you help people by filling prescriptions. Not triggered just using common sence to call out your hate for someone who actually helps people. Btw your annoying unmistakable arrogance you can't hide… call people names all you want… now enjoy my silence your not worth any advise lil dr leo

  9. @dr.Leo

    Just a tip for engaging new and existing viewers: You have this young arrogant ā€˜holier than thouā€™ vibe going on mate and itā€™s really off-putting for your viewers.
    No one wants to see a know-it-all Gen Z bad-mouthing their peers or anybody really. This isnā€™t the place or time for it and it makes you seem like an arrogant douche. Chill a bit, use less of the greyed-out slomo sarcastic edits and be respectful.
    You still have a lot to learn, not just within the medical world but in how to engage with people while balancing your judgements, criticisms and eagerness to get a laugh. Iā€™m sure youā€™re a nice enough bloke but your style of presentation needs some work.

  10. Well you thought you ate šŸ¤£

    He has a huge following bc the stuff he shares actually helps ppl. He also makes it clear he's a chiropractor. Not a surprise to me since he mentions it in many videos.

  11. I'll give you a different issue with Berg. May 10, title "7 GMO foods you must avoid".

    I follow the GMO debate very closely. My opinions about GMO foods don't matter here. But there are such things as facts and people offering up advice should checkout the facts.

    Here is Berg's list of the GMO foods to avoid: (1) Yellow squash; (2) beets; (3) papaya; (4) eggplant; (5) green zucchini; (6) apples; (7) salmon.

    Now here are some facts. Take the yellow squash and the green zucchini together. They're closely related and the transferred gene is the same. Yes the squash and zucchini with that transferred gene are GMO. So he's not quite wrong – but he has chosen the two crops that almost nobody thinks are a bad thing. Squash and zucchini can be infected by a plant-infecting virus. If you eat non-GMO squash and zucchini, you are almost certainly eating that virus, with all its virus genes. What the genetic engineers did was take one of those virus genes and reverse its DNA sequence and insert that into the crop plant. But the reversed gene is ineffective. Just as this sentence is gibberish: ".hsirebbig si ecnetnes siht sa tsuJ" What the reversed gene does is cancel out the virus gene, making the crop immune to the virus. Nobody has, to my knowledge, ever suggested that there is any nutritional or environmental danger to the GMO squash or the GMO zucchini. So Berg got those two right, but they are probably the two least important to avoid for a nutritional reason.

    Between the squash and the zucchini he listed beets. Here again he is technically right if you stretch the facts enough. There are GMO sugar beets – most sugar beets are GMO sugar beets. But people do not eat sugar beets! They make sugar from them. Unless you are interested in using beets to extract sugar, you are not going to buy a GMO beet. They don't look like beets. They are white, not purple, huge not beet-sized. The beets you are going to find in your market or farm stand are not GMO. The beets that are canned, chopped into salads, etc. are not GMO beets. Dr. Bergs advice will not help you avoid a GMO anything.

    Next comes papaya. But everything I said about squash and zucchini is true about papaya. It prevents a virus infection of the papaya. The special thing about the GMO papaya is that unlike the squash and zucchini, the virus disease was so prevalent and so devastating that, at least in Hawaii, it was simply impossible to farm papayas profitably. The GMO versions saved the American papaya farmers. BUT MORE THAN THAT. It took away from the virus its host plant. Enough Hawaiian papaya are now immune to the virus that the virus is disappearing and it is now possible to grow non-GMO papaya. It's a perfect analogy to how if enough people get vaccinated to prevent a disease, the people who choose not to get the vaccination still get almost complete protection.

    We've now gotten through four of the seven on his list. Let's do eggplant. Once again, there is such a thing in the world as a GMO eggplant. But it is only grown and eaten in Bangladesh. It is not exported. Unless you find yourself shopping in Bangladesh, you are not going to buy a GMO eggplant. "If you actually go to Bangladesh to make a point, you still won't be able to buy a GMO eggplant, because the Bangladeshis call it brinjal."

    Next on his list is apples. This is the only one of the seven where he actually does his readers some good. There are GMO apples. They are not GMO because of an additional gene but because an apple gene has been disabled. The disabled gene makes an enzyme that has only one known function – it causes the apple flesh to turn brown when the apple has been cut up. If you want to avoid these GMO apples, that is your choice and all you need to know is that they are sold as "Arctic" apples. They are labeled as "bioengineered". I can make an argument that the disabled gene is harmless because there are many non-GMO fruits with the same disabled gene. But again, I'm not making an argument here either for or against GMO foods. I am only making the argument that Dr. Berg has chosen to recommend avoiding seven foods that are not likely to be GMO at all.

    The last on his list is salmon. Wild salmon is obviously not GMO. That leaves farmed salmon, which is almost exclusively Atlantic salmon. But that's a lot of salmon. There are about 50 million tons of farmed Atlantic salmon sold every year. So how much of that 50 million tons are GMO salmon? Well, there's one company raising GMO salmon in one location in Indiana. They raise about a ton per month, call it ten tons per year. So If you buy a portion of salmon, your chances of it being GMO salmon are 1 in 5 million. Both Canada and the US FDA have safety tested the GMO salmon and consider it safe. Suppose you disagree and you don't want to take your chances. Here's what you do: Buy salmon as you usually would. That's a method that works 99.99998% of the time.

  12. chiropractors are licensed doctors in all 50 states and primary physicians in many states. I think you are triggered by Dr. Berg because you are a medical purist and do not agree with his dietary bias, "keto". You are young and very arrogant about being absolutely correct and superior as a "real" doctor. He is not teaching premed or medical nutrition. He is providing overviews to lay people and clear about his bias. Please be honest, research on nutrition is all over the place. I can find published research on countless topics that contradict each other. To be clear, I'm a healthy vegetarian of 26 years and don't align with a lot of what Dr. Berg says. However, I don't find his content dangerous or particularly problematic. There are countless people who have benefitted from the type of nutrition he presents. I don't believe that being veg as an example is best for everyone just because I am. That said, I encourage you focus more on building out your work than tearing down someone else's. It's not a good approach to building your business

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