Live Q/A April 19th: Collagen Protein, CBD Oil, Muscle Fiber Types and

This was recorded on April 19th, 2019. For more of our stuff: Podcasts: Website: …


  1. After many failed attempts with other brands I finally found this brand. The products at Weedborn are the best and I don't think I will ever have to look for another CBD supplier again.

  2. Excuse me, but I have one doubt regarding collagen supplements: like any other protein, our organism will have to break it down into amino acids and then, through the bloodstream, they will be distributed wherever necessary in the body.
    The amino acids can end up being part of your hair, nails, intestine walls, etc.
    It's not guaranteed that these very expensive "collagen type two" capsules will reinforce your tendons.
    Is it correct or am I missing something? Thanks.

  3. Yeah I'm just gonna be commenting on your content because it's just not being "algorithmed" enough to my liking.
    Your views should be ratcheting upwards consistently! Just thinking about all the bullshit out there that people get paid for

  4. I'm familiar with Baar's research on collagen and I'm surprised you don't recommend it for connective tissue health/repair. That would be a fun topic to further discuss on your channel.

  5. Hi i got a question for you docs. I tore my right pec muscle a few years ago when i tried to set a new 1RM. The muscle and tendon rip of the bone and i got surgery. The doctors attached back the muscle and tendon to the bone and i was set in advanced sling for 24 hours a day in 4 month. After that i start sleep without the sling and after 6 month i got rid of the sling. My pec is feeling fine today a few years after surgery but my question is: Can i ever bench heavy again and come back to regular competition benching?

  6. man its sad when youtubers become "celebrities" and get the high and mighty attitude, laughing at peoples questions, out of control egos etc.
    whatever dude

  7. Is there any utility to doing a Hypertrophy program if I am not gaining weight and or losing weight? I oscillate between 200 and 205 depending on how busy work is and if I am diligent about eating a good lunch. I dont feel confident I could have compliance to eat in a consistent surplus with my current lifestyle.

  8. Because of work, there is only 1 day a week where more than 7 hours is feasible for me. Would stoping training be a bigger risk for mortality than continuing to run on 5 or 6 hours of sleep and still training?

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