Keynote Presentation Medical Cannabis for Children

Presented By: Bonni Goldstein Speaker Biography: Bonni Goldstein, MD is the Medical Director of Canna-Centers Wellness …


  1. I love this beautiful doctor! I was lucky enough to pick her as my marijuana doctor when I moved to California in 2012, when she gave me actual prescription recommendations for me to chose from when I went to the dispensary. Other doctors, only looking to make a fast buck, just give their patient a marijuana card without discussing their needs. In any case, Dr. Bonni Goldstein got me off all of my 5 poisonous prescriptions that I was on for years, by prescribing certain strains (whether THC or CBD or both) of weed for my certain problems. It was a miracle – I no longer needed anti-depressants, sleeping pills, muscle relaxers, hormones and most importantly Percocet, that I was addicted to by that point. I was in my late 50’s at the time suffering from chronic pain for over 20 years from a broken back. Just saying that she knows what she’s talking about!

  2. I'm an epileptic so I feel for these kids and what they go thru. Cannabis helps in many ways, some more than others. The relaxing effect and we all know it will do that but it helps. I'm no longer on mood/anxiety meds which is relaxing in itself. Gives confidence knowing less pills so that is just a huge help. I feel like I have fewer but definitely know less severe when I do. I have many scars, muscle pulls, and shoulder dislocations from epilepsy. I'm a dad and would be scared to have this decision to make. This message is to all parents, when all else isn't working you gotta make the decision you make. Not telling you which to choose but there are definitely pros and cons. For me the pros have been the right choice and been using it for a few years with my neurologist and primary care involved. Any questions after reading let me know.

  3. TRY. in The Mind Game with humanity to obtain what hostage captor same different impossibility possible God want need like desire wish hope same different impossibility possible miracle God the only rule is intimidation is not allowed. at any moment the dialogue ends saying 'hurt'. intimidation is indicated saying 'scared'. 'like' means agreement celebration same different impossibility possible miracle God. disagrement is not agression intimidation.
    el que calla no otorga porque tiene miedo.
    during the game we would petition facebook what we want need like desire wish hope same different impossibility possible miracle God. i want to unlimit the number of characters allowed to comment to express myself freely without impediments barriers obstacles borders frontiers constraints same different impossibility possible miracle God.
    i am Harry Potter and Captain America same different impossibility possible miracle God and i superpower and magic with my mind psychology intellect common sense knowledge same different impossibility possible miracle God. who are you and what can you do?
    do you want to play The Game Life Death Same Different Impossibility Possible Miracle God? want others to play collaborate participate contribute help same different impossibility possible miracle God?
    now you do what they tell you. now you are under control. deaths are justified. when i say "you do" you say "i do impossibility possible miracle God" persuaded convinced sure teachable listening obedient honest happy impossibility possible miracle God. now you like to play with others impossibility possible miracle God. you do.
    i want to know how many people read the invitation introducing 'seen by x number'.
    brainwashing repetition manipulation control lie hate same different impossibility possible miracle God is allowed.
    i won't do what you tell me. i am free impossibility possible miracle God.
    verdad tira y mentira empuja. hide is lie.
    you gotta persuade for your right to party.
    and now what do i do? i am inviting humanity to talk and i am prohibited denied censored by social media impossibility possible miracle God. what do you want?
    about customer services better don't talk.
    hiding quiters lie. click click boom. take it. break it. reconstruct it. everybody come on! come on! everybody come on! come on! come on! everybody come on! come on! come on! click happiness.
    about customer services better is never talked impossibility possible miracle God.
    you know talking with people social media same different is what i only love and to create another account what i only hate impossibility possible miracle God. why? what do you want?what is the solution? why?
    are you not allowing a social media user talk?
    at any time did you think life and death is a joke? no. now you are wondering the deadlock between humanity and God is weird unusual strange inappropriate suspicious erratic out of place time same different impossibility possible miracle God. am i or am i not the greatest psychologist of all time?
    hiding quiters lie. click click boom. take it. break it. reconstruct it. everybody come on! come on! everybody come on! come on! come on! everybody come on! come on! come on! click happiness.
    i am a living experiment to study effects of cannabis on mind psychology body same different impossibility possible miracle God and if causes schizophrenia smoking 24/7 out of working hours to infinity eternally otherwise called pothead.

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