How We Balance Faith, Family and Medicine | Christians and Medication | Our Epilepsy Story

In this episode, Mary Alessi and her daughter Lauren tell their story of receiving a llfe-changing diagnosis, how their decision on …


  1. I suffered from migraines since I was 18 years old. I was taken to the neurologist and had all kinds of testing done. They just began giving me 3 very strong meds. Honestly, they weren't helping so after raising the dose soon after that I made the decision to stop taking the meds. It hasn't been easy but I have found other ways to manage my pain. It's very debilitating at times. I'm doing good, still have migraines but I've learned to manage it. God is good. He gives me the strength to get through my hard days. thanks for sharing this episode.

  2. Just thinking out loud, I wonder if she, by any chance, got the HPV vaccine, I am not saying she got it, but I’ve seen something similar with other girls, everyone’s different, but, just a thought. I do not trust Big Pharma, they have become a legal drug cartel.

  3. Jesus, I still trust in you even though I’m struggling paying bills and providing for my children, I was so ashamed I felt like a failure until I found Jesus. I lost my job because I declined the vaccine. I declined because of my pre existing health condition (Lupus) and Heart disease. I was denied my medical/religious exemption from Forsyth Hospital. My husband passed away three years ago, I’m a single mother. Both of my sons are autistic, they require a lot from me. Every month is a struggle, a battle to not end up on the streets. I’m so depressed and embarrassed by my situation. I post my story all over to spread awareness of what mandates are doing, not just to myself but to many other families. I’ve been put down and mocked because of my circumstances even criticize because I post my story, it truly hurts me. BUT even after all these things. GOD HAS PROVIDED. He has sent strangers to help me. I’m forever grateful! This is my testimony! GOD HEARS PRAYERS! EVEN as I face homelessness seemly every month with two young children. GOD SHOWS UP IN TIME to save me and my boys. ALL GLORY TO GOD OUR Heavenly Father Thank you Jesus.

  4. God Bless!!!! I’m going to miss this church sooo much! The military is moving my family to Northern Virginia, if you know any good churches out there please let me know 💕💕💕

  5. This is a very big conversation very important and also individual depending on your convictions for me after having my son God really convicted me and told me I was putting too much trust in our medical system and he confirmed it many times and showed me so many of the flaws in the system then the pandemic hit and it just showed me even more so now with everything I do I usually pray and God answers me and gives me natural holistic ways to heal and sometimes I take medicines but not nearly as much as I used to and it had actually made me feel even better physically I know not everyone has that conviction but I do think it’s important to have more faith in God and his power than the power of medicines

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