Is Marijuana Harmful to Health?

There’s just no way to talk about marijuana without someone completely misinterpreting what I say. Some of you are going to call …


  1. When I first started smoking weed, I told myself that I would smoke on special days, little did I know that everyday is special…now I am doing it on daily basis

  2. Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.
    250 sentadillas son unos KISSSS.Uno muchas y un buen ejercicio.
    5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😍👍

    Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
    los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer.

  3. Marija is illegal because it allows you to think about your experiences from a different perspective and it does not promote compliance with the norm.

  4. My Mother died of breast cancer while addicted to weed all her life. Who knows if it's good or bad. We'll know in the future when everyone's addicted.

  5. The last time 6 years ago I only smoked cabbage at 2am. At that quiet time was perfect. In my teens I fucked myself up with it. I'll never smoke it again. I'll have 1 or two drinks at a time. Both could be dangerous for me. Alcohol does so much more damage within society. We are hypocritical.

  6. Sometimes weed is actually good i had a friend that was very sad and suicidal and im pretty sure he had high blood pressure but once he started smoking weed he really just relaxed and started living good

  7. Drugs aren't good or bad, just stupid; stupid little shortcuts that keep you from being fully capable, assuming you're not using it to gain capabilities (i.e. medical user). You guys are brainwashed by Cheech and Chong. Snoop Dogg is a dumb ass rapist and a murderer. He's an idiot. So are most of us.

  8. I remember when I was working in a rehab center there was a young guy in his early 30's who we had to take of I couldn't believe it,😳, I kept saying to the others, how old is he?? He looked Soo young.🤔🤔 😳 all because of marijuana. DON'T DO IT.

  9. Guys, i need a lil help. I am 16 years old, i got ADHD, anxiety and smoke weed. I really dont feel any negative effects except short term memory loss and a little laziness, even if i had problems with my memory before i started smoking. Its really not hard for me to take tolerance breaks i can go on for months without any real problems but I told myself that i will quit weed until i get atleast 18, maybe even 20 or 25. Ive heard its pretty bad for teenage brains so im trying to stay away from that and its going pretty good, no problems so far and im about 2 months in. I have also heard that it can be good for some people and bad for some because weed is such a special drug and affects everyone differently. I just wanna know if weed is for me and if its actually going to help me, or if its just tricking my mind just to use it for fun and not for the medicinal purposes. Dont get me wrong, i love being high and i smoke sometimes for the fun of it, but i also smoke for the medicinal purposes such as sleeping better, calming down/relaxing and get my focus up. If its not for me and its actually tricking my mind, ill quit for sure, but if there is positive effects, ill stay to it. I just dont know how to identify if its good for me or not. Anyone who know if it would be beneficial for me, or not? Looking for real answers, even if its the sad truth. Thank you for your time.

  10. As a former drug addict who knew many people with different addictions, it was alcohol and cocaine and injection that tended to produce the most rapid health deterioration, the alcoholics would always look the worst. Inhaling smoke is not going to be without harms, but cannabis is on a similar scale in terms of harm as caffeine, except it is possible to overdose on caffeine. It also has many potential benefits in pain management, as an effective appetite stimulant and more.

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