Natural Remedy for My Carpal Tunnel Syndrome at Home

I’ve struggled with carpal tunnel syndrome for many years. I wanted to handle my carpal tunnel naturally at home without surgery.


  1. Hi Heidi,

    I don't have any true St John's Wort growing near me but I do have another Hypericum species that grows in my garden. Do you know if the other species share the medicinal uses? 🙂

  2. Thank you so much – I have carpal tunnel and I'm going to try this. I have some dried St. John's Wort – will that make an effective infused oil or do I need fresh herb?

  3. I have issues with carpal tunnel and trigger finger and this does wonders for me. I no longer wake up in the middle of the night with my finger locked or numbness in my hand! Thanks for another great video! Hoping you share pics of the new puppy in the community. 🐕

  4. Thank You Heidi for this recipe, I actually got this recipe before and have been using it on my carpal tunnel and also on my feet, it does a wonderful job on my pain, I will keep using it because I do not want surgery and I feel so confident that this is healing my problem over time.

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