Medical marijuana card-holder’s possession arrest sparks outrage

Jamie Wilson, 48, was arrested Nov. 1 by a Missouri State Highway Patrol trooper in Daviess County for marijuana possession …


  1. More reason to avoid shitholes Missouri (and Iowa). They don't care about your health or well-being. Those backwards states only fear "that evil drug, Marijuana"

    Meanwhile: "Alcohol use contributes to almost 10,000 crashes every year in Missouri, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol Statistical Analysis Center."

  2. How bad is this going to get for those crooked police that don’t follow the law! I hope the police officers lose their jobs for creating they’re own fictional laws

  3. He may be guilty of cutting someone off in traffic, which is what got their attention. He is allowed to have the marijuana. Ticket him for careless driving. You are done.

  4. Well you don't need to cruise around with it anyway, that card says you can legally possess a certain amount thus bringing it home, it's the same thing as buying beer, you can't drink and drive and you can't smoke and drive. Listen I'm not disrespecting weed smokers but I'm trying to get you to see it how others see it I mean would you want your kid or kids in a car with someone driving who just did a couple bong rips? Yeah I didn't think so.

  5. Try having your children removed and adopted out souly because you are a single parent with a medical marijuana card. Because the state says you use to much cannabis yet you only use one ounce of cannabis in a 30 day period which is well with in my five ounce limit I have every month. Ive been suicidal every since. I do not understand why my babies or what I did wrong. Before you have something stupid to say about how states wouldn't do such things, I have every single one of the courts minute entry's which is all about my cannabis card. I took my boss friends and boyfriend to court with me and they all were shocked to hear I was being attacked over my legal cannabis card that I paid $300 a year just to be allowed to buy cannabis from the dispensaries. I am a broken mess.

  6. DWI Is the one problem that the state has he was driving with his grandson in the car For driving while under the influence of marihuana Everybody just looks at this mall picture in that the bigger picture

  7. Ya knew this was going to be an issue when the feds made it legal. It was done so they make money, not because they care about you.
    Solution here, take the task force, the officers involved and the judge and put them in jail for as long as the dude was in.

  8. "Wilson faced felony possession and child endangerment charges, which were dropped. He still faces misdemeanor charges of driving without insurance, cutting in on an overtaken vehicle and possession of drug paraphernalia – prior offender."

  9. Cop: bu bu bu my badge makes me right😭
    Cop: You mean I have to investigate crimes that have victims now? But that's too much paperwork.I won't be able to tear people's vehicles apart anymore…this isn't what I signed up for. I'm calling my Union rep🤬

  10. i agree with the part of the weed but he still got charged with a couple other things. give him his weed back and drop that charge but give him the time for the other stuff.

  11. This is not a democrat or Republican. Issue I think all Americans can agree marijuana should be completely legal heck all drugs because it’s a free country. Let’s fight real crime like these billionaire pedos

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