If you groom dogs, there are 2 things you must know before grooming dogs. This video will help you get better dog behavior …


  1. I bought the Wahl KM10 on your recommendation. I want a 2" comb attachment but can't figure out which brand will fit it. What is your 2nd choice that I can find a 2" comb?

  2. I learned about energy with one of my dogs. She was a lab/chow mix. (rip Chesea) and she was aggressive with other dogs. Then I found out that when I wasn't around that she didn't show aggression. So I figured it was me I would get so much anxiety with her when other animals were around. So I had to change myself, it was hard, but I did it. I remember the time we went to vet I took deep breaths and loosened my grip on her leash. The only place to sit was by a big German Sheppard. The waiting room was full of dogs and cats in crates. When I sat down Chelsea let out a huff and plopped down at my feet like she was going to take a nap. No issues at all. Amazing.

  3. I'm new to your chanel and I have seen a couple of your videos and I enjoyed and learned alot as a person who wants to start to be come a groomer. the tips and the videos you are making are behind my expectations. I'm learning alot just by watching your videos and i just wanna appreciate you for all the informations and tips you add to your videos. 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💯💯💯✂️✂️✂️🤍🤍🤍

  4. My dog snored then her eye like rolled back but it came back and she is tired and I think she’s sick she is laying on her back and I’m really scared so if you know what it is please respond to me as fast as you can, thank you

  5. Thank you for this! I constantly feel like a late failure having entered this industry at 32 and over a year later I’m still an assistant.
    It’s been a rough couple of weeks and seeing that a groomer I admire also started this career late and has come so far, helps and the reminder to go back to the basics was needed.

  6. Amy do u have any tips on how to get my yellow lab comfortable with her grooming table? I bought a Flying pig heavy duty very sturdy grooming table and she is afraid of it and it does not move up and down so we have some Wooden dog steps that my dad carpeted so she wouldn’t slip that we use to guide her up to the table but she is still to scared we slowly introduced her to each part of the table before putting it together and rewarded her with treats but when the table was put together she would not go on to it so when she finally tried to go up the steps she had her back paw on the side of the step and she fell it was not even a foot high of a fall but ever since then she is terrified of not only the steps but also the table so finally my dad lifted her up on the table and I did a bit of brushing but I didn’t want to keep her up there that long since she was trembling and wouldn’t even stand up and we gave her tons of praise and treats but ever since that day (which was around January 27th) we have not used the table and I have just been grooming her on an chase lounge because that’s the only place I can get her to lay/stand still for 30-45 minutes because it’s low to the ground. any tips?

  7. After working30years with sleddogs now I have10 years poodle, I agree totally in what you are telling us. Specialy about bodylanguarge and reading our vibration that's true… And they are mirror to us, we can learn something about ourselves. It took while I recognize the reason, why some time they don't want I groom my poodles🙈.. i was not in balance!!! Thank you so much for that important video. And in dogsschools they must teach the owner first, just this to become balance ourself.. and dogies are so happy when we understand them what means we can talk telepatic, this is most present for me..

  8. My 1 year old English bulldog gets angry n snaps at the groomer who files his nails down. It is not his nature to be like this. What do you suggest. Why don't they just clip them? He doesn't like it at all. Plz help. Does it burn as they file them w that tool? Curious. And apprehensive.

  9. I am just learning to properly groom my 2 Standard Poodles. You are so spot on with this video. My current professional groomer cannot groom one of my poodles feet and sanitary. He will not let her touch his feet or privates but he lets me touch these areas. I am very calm with him, let him know that I am not going to hurt him, give him my full attention and use the Kenchii Flash 5 clipper. I would have never known about the clippers if I had not been following your channel. The low vibration is great. Thank you so much, I appreciate all your hard work. You are awesome!

  10. I agree so much with this! Dogs are so intuitive, sensitive and smart! We don’t give them enough credit. We need to meet them halfway.

  11. Excellent as always! I know you're busy but I hope one day you could make a video about how to trim nails so they don't bleed but as short as possible. What are hybrid shears, which shears are good for big fingers so holes don't get stucked? How important and which sprays before brushing and bathing as well as after bath are?

  12. I have a Labrador retriever. What's a great comb to use to keep the hair down in my home? And a better brush or comb for our cats hair.😁👍

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