THE HULK LIFE: why our CBD dog treats Are the BEST in the world hands DOWN!!

Today on the The Hulk Life we take you behind the scenes to the Akavie CBD HQ to sit in on DDK9 CBD science class. Grab a …


  1. That's the night I met you at GoAuto! Appreciate the videos man! Recently started to give my dog the treats! They sell them where I work! Wear the hat everyday for it!

  2. Cbd is amazing for dogs! We had a female bluenose named Dakota who developed cancer at 5 years old. When she was at her lowest point we tried cbd drops and it was the only thing that made her comfortable and give her a life back for a few hours. The results were amazing. It didnt cure her but it did keep her comfortable. We loved that dog, my kids were devastated. We still haven't replaced her it happened 2 years ago but it's time to get another pit in the family.

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