Shimrit Uliel-Sibony, MD: Can Patients Develop a CBD Tolerance?

With the approval of cannabidiol (CBD; Epidiolex, GW Pharmaceuticals) in the US in 2018, the popularity of CBD as a treatment …


  1. U need to make cbd at 99% to be strong and every drug becomes weak tbf but cud can and does help people over a long time the the clinical trials are not guve what the dispenceries can they can give people wax and shatter or rosin and this will work for years and varity is kind hear people need to change the strain from time to time as the pheno types can put things together a bit differently and this will help dnt stay on one type try new ones when one stops and go for strong cannabinoid content cannabis is a viable option to people and the world needs to see that something as benine as cannabis is safe foe most of us but with alcahol people become sycotic addicted and its worse than opiates for belive me i know i used thc and cbd to help me though and with out it i wuddent be off the meds when some one comes of opiates they withdraw badly and its hurts but if u can get though a few days the bodie no longer feels worse of the cannabis it makes u feel so so so so much better and tgis needs to be looked at as the heroin and opiates and opioide are killing the world and cannabis is the answer in strong high did dose will make u feel greate and not withdrawing hardly at all but u need to reduse the the dose amount of drug u take then get to a low low dose after 48 hours of withdrawal smoke a fattie of some nice high grade cannabis bit oil is far more effective in relife of the withdrawal people lets make the world a better place cannabis changes so many lives for the good that the very small amount who have bad effects are so rear really iv smoke cannabis for around 15 years and i dnt have any lung problems no madness in fact cannabis opened the mind and lets u see the world's as great and wonderfully just as we should do i see it as this we are in a massive rock out in the absis of space and yet we fight over land when ther are planets of plenty we cud terraform and make into a new home for us we need to stop fighting each other and work as one all of us and consentraites on the real issue of the fact is we are to sucsessful as a speices and the last in our position died from one meteor impact so we realy need to buckle down and stop worrying about shit we dnt need to like President ragen said if there was a threat from external forces we would al unite and fight the common caurse people will see it one day a great cotsrophie could be imminent but a smart human rase woyld relise we are better together we all can offer somethi g to the caurse just take a min just to relise were u are and how amazeing it realy is words cannot exsplain it is more of a feeling of pure amazement and of mysterius things peeps dnt u relise how amazeing this is we wish for other life and to now if other exsist when they do its ur bro or sis or nabours freind or foe still ur on a planet with beings that fly drive speak create and destroy how we got here is a beautiful thing and we will only no wen we die how it all works but life is a Mirical sir David Attenborough says it a musical becouse he understands science has a limit and to try to understand were we all came from or not from we maby just are

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