Utah lawmakers say medical marijuana should be treated like other prescription drugs

Legally speaking, medical cannabis is supposed to be treated like any other prescription controlled substance in Utah.


  1. They don't even know how to talk about it. A "controlled substance" is not a prescription. Cannabis is already a controlled substance which is something that cannot be prescribed & cannot be used cannot be carried & cannot be possessed, such as heroin.
    They keep saying like other controlled substance when they mean any other "prescription medications" and if they wrote controlled substance then they wrote it, then cannabis is still as illegal in their state as it already was. marijuana is the legal federally because marijuana is listed as a controlled substance now they're making it stay just as illegal locally as it is federally because controlled substances are completely non-legal non-prescribable, non-recommendable, non-obtainable non-possessable.
    It is hard to repeatedly watch this ignorant self-stopping language where they repeatedly ignorantly mean prescription "like any other prescription" but they keep saying like any other controlled substance.

    cannabis already is a controlled substance and they're trying to remove that label but it sounds like they mistakingly didn't do that and don't realize that they didn't do it at the same time.

  2. What idiocy! Do these politicians think it would be OK for FirstResponders to work under the influence of legally prescribed opiates too? Nice idea, to have Cops and Firefighters arrive on an emergency situation stoned!

  3. Utah has is no place for Weed, Medical or Recreational.
    There are real Rx Drugs that treat conditions better.

    Look at what has happened to Colorado, Washington, Oregon & California! They became Decaying Liberal πŸ’© Shows

  4. Fuck no people need help because drs won't help them with pain meds they will just block it and it's not considered a pharmaceutical until it's changed properties

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