1. Imagine that it’s 2022 and you’re politician schilling for the 1890s cotton and paper barons – like a total clown person🤡

  2. My 40 year old daughter suffers with ALS2 (Stephen Hawking) coupled with some severe depression, as you might imagine. In under an hour sfter her first CBD dose my daughter wrote this message, "Daddy I feel very calm and at last my racing thoughts have ceased"!! later that same day my daughter informed me that all of the tightness or spasticity that has plagued her muscles ALL of her life was GONE!!! After 40 years my daughter can relax instead of lying rigid as a board 24/7!!! Get the fuck out of the way uncle sam!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. The biggest criminals here are the pathetic lap dogs raiding people for CBD. And the corrupt law makers. Invested so heavily in big pharma they will do anything to protect it

  4. The Gov is ridiculous. If big Pharma can't benefit by selling their horrible , addictive drugs to make billions and keep us sick, then the Gov will make it illegal. They want us sick and stay sick to sell dangerous man made drugs that only creates addictions. How can the Gov argue that fact? Opioid users die every day from prescribed drugs but how many died from cbc oil…none.

  5. These are the same pricks worried that someone dying of cancer might get some relief with cannabis. I’m uncertain of recreational use but I’ve seen CBD oil stop seizures, it’s medicine.

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