Drug laws: Germany plans to legalise recreational cannabis • FRANCE 24 English

This week has seen a new chancellor take the helm in Germany: Olaf Scholz is leading a never-tried-before coalition of his own …


  1. I would like to take a moment to congratulate drugs, for winning the American war on drugs, & to congratulate Portugal for having the sense to recognize a losing battle Two decades before their Western counterparts!

  2. The reason that cannabis is a "gateway drug" is that people try it, realise that it's not nearly as bad as the Governments have made it out to be, and then wonder what other substances they've been lied to about. Sadly, this is where things can go wrong. Worst drugs I've taken? Alcohol and tobacco, no question about it.

  3. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
    Canada legalized recreational Cannabis in 2018….
    The sky didnt fall, it hasn't been a gateway drug and sellers supplies have to be approved by the Canadian Government. So now pot dusted with PCP, cocaine or heroin doesn't happen anymore by unscrupulous drug dealers.

  4. Yes yes Day have a To illegally s ? we need it to be illegally s it's important to people s life . because people s us it# it's food of some people s And it's good to illegal s it please Govoments in the world s.

  5. Everyday crimes and murders, religious arguments and attacks, rising poorness, rising prices, rising inflation, returnable bottles colecting pensioners because of the low pension after 40-50 years of working, more homeless ppl every day because of to low payable appartememts, corona … and the new government fist and biggest act ist that! Must be a big black wall between the politicians, the rainbow richkids and the reality on the streets.

  6. That woman is lying about cannabis facts and she is also not within the group of expected recreational users and should not get any air time. But she is representing her medical profession, who would loose out big time if too may people would self medicate. She is also representing her french general who no doubt is protecting the pharmaceutical industries interests and protecting backhander payments to medical professionals for administering certain drugs in higher quantities (it means the doctors get a bonus for pushing certain drugs over others).
    Her argument about cannabis as a gateway drug is a lie too, it's alcohol, every doctor knows that.
    Over the last 100 Years:
    How many deaths through alcohol, millions!
    How many deaths through smoking, millions of people dead!
    How much profit for the medical industry, trillions of dollars!
    How many people died solely though cannabis consumption in the last 3500 years? Non recorded!

  7. What are you thinking…seriously?
    So the next time a bus crashes into a crowd of people and ya find the driver was off in the "chill zone" at the time?…
    Na… a crazy idea that you will come to regret…bitterly.
    Listening to those crazy yanks again…
    Next, you'll be looking for your own "second amendment rights"
    Don't go there!

  8. Also a warning- Make sure price set is low if you want to eliminate the illegal market. Canada priced it too high ( pigs) and the illegal market is still here.

  9. We have legal cannabis in Canada. We have had zero problems due to legalization. We were fed nonsense for the 50 previous years if not more about how it would ruin us. Total nonsense, nothing has changed here. Stupid politicians who have kept it illegal

  10. Issue is also strength of the weed – strong stuff can cause / trigger the issues raised, so 'legalistion' where the stuff is graded could help avoid problems, but a great progressive step forward Germany

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