1. I'm totally pro cannabis and believe it has helped so many with seizures, pain, mental anguish etc.. but… if our own exquisitely designed magnificent machine.. our body… sends out enzymes to destroy the cannabinoids- Anandamine and 2 AG.. why would we go against the natural order of things and consume substances that artificially stops that process.. especially when this is such an unknown subject with so so much more research to be done. There are so many examples from the past where advice on one thing had to do a 180, as more research, data, and anecdotal evidence surfaced and went against the initial advice.

  2. Hello, would that enzyme be the "fatty acid amide hydrolose (FAAH) ? Monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL) ? You mentioned meditation, would that involve visualizaton to "dial down" these enzymes? I have known this to be an effective way to enhance the endogenous DMT supply, as well as stimulating autophagy without extended fasting. Thank you very well done 🙂

  3. Smoking weed damages this system and it could take a few weeks sober to recuperate so my question is, does taking THC by any means affect our natural cannabinoid receptors in the long term could there be irreversible damage?

  4. It's amazing how these people get into it. It's driving them to learn, and some, like this lady, go a little hyper. Good on her, I got more into fishing, learning all about boats, fish, fishing, rods and reels, the whole sha- bang. I've had a life time of great scenery and experiences. Also my job, welding, smoking a j and off to the shed for hours, learning the techniques. Learning to create good engineering solutions. And just sometimes I love my lawnmower. I have pushed enough mowers around my lawn to know that I appreciate this masterpiece. Hell, I'll have a j, grab a whiskey and fire that shit up for some drinking and driving fun, come back in to fire up the char grill. Now that's a great afternoons fuck around.

  5. Naomi, your giving me Pam from the Office but way more beautiful vibes. And is CBD really to trusted? It's so many knockoff vape oils and edibles. Everything else is doable❤️

  6. CBD is not good for you and it's been proven all the best Canadian Doctors live in Africa cuz they can practice real medicine there cuz you can't practice real medicine in North America or Europe half that stuff you take does zero nothing .all in your mind .just . do breathing techniques

  7. Question:
    You can upregulate cb1r density through cold exposure, HIIT and others things like special diet.
    Is that also true for the receptors that are in the brain or only the receptors that are in the brown fat tissue in the body?

  8. You want GOLD ? Then fallow my directions 4 truth.
    I am the CREATORS 'healing' warrior;
    FEDERAL agents are 'blocking' me from posting this comment on YouTube;
    Because of how bad I was from my 5.5 brain injury and how fast and well that THC helped my THOUGHT PROCESS work again I will never stop telling.
    STOP IT FELON FEDERAL AGENT ! Routers CenturyLink4347 & CenturyLink2825.
    I am about HEALING earth and the ADVANCEMENT of HUMANITY.
    I am not about becoming rich !
    I am creating gold to prove that THC restores brain injuries.
    The proceeds I will use to create a self charging generator that will run HYDRO drive with 0 carbon output.
    Then will focus on getting DC electricity from atmosphere !
    I am the CREATORS 'healing' warrior.
    I came forwards with how GOLD and PLATINUM were created to 'prove' my brain injury is being restored with THC so earth can be restored by growing HEMP.
    How else could a 5.5 TBI patient do this ?
    Growing HEMP will restore the 'soil', will restore the 'atmosphere'.
    Will create BIO-DEGRADABLE plastics.
    This is the only way I can get this message out; HEMP plastics is the future for earth.
    I wrecked my Harley not wearing my helmet that stopped my heart 3 times, crushed my chest breaking all my ribs multiple times puncturing both lungs, put me into an 87 day coma waking with a 5.5 brain injury requiring relearning life. Once returning home I tried having my doctor do an MRI of my brain to compare to my wreck. He refused telling me that BIG PHARMA will financially destroy any doctor that proves THC restores brain injuries.
    This upset me so much that I taught myself MOLECULAR SCIENCE and went to the gold shop in KALISPELL MONTANA showing JB how copper transitioned into gold. This got me kicked out and he told 'city council' that I am making FOOLS GOLD from copper pass tests
    Boiling water proves that 'heat' excites MOLECULES allowing ATOMS to escape.
    This is how copper transitions into GOLD and nickel into PLATINUM.
    Earth must be restored by growing HEMP world wide.
    Copper is 179 atoms and melts at around 1400F to 1800F.. You must bring it to a 'boil' that will be at 3500F but the 'oxygen' atom must never make contact or will explode burning on contact. In 72 to 100 hours 100 atoms will boil out and melted BORAX will absorb them leaving 79 atoms that is GOLD.

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