Fatty Acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6) Deficiency: Symptoms and Sources by Dr.Berg

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  1. My husband’s hair analysis showed a deficiency in Omega 6. How do we balance it ? I have a deficiency in Omega 3?which I am now taking fish oil capsules. The reason I am not taking the cod liver oil is because it shows I have a sensitivity to cod liver oil. I’m taking my hair analysis results to my doctor for further testing.

  2. For anyone watching this, almost everything you eat will give you plenty (if not to much) omega 6, what you should be seeking is enough omega 3 to balance it out

  3. I was getting terrible hormonal headaches for a week right before my monthly for 3 months and it was happening before that as well but not as bad. My husband did research for me n bought me flax pills that also contain omegas. The headaches stopped!!!!!!!! Thank GOD!!!!!!!

  4. With my healy I keep measuring too low ALA. I have been taking flax seed oil for months and still it keeps coming up as too low. Maybe I’m not absorbing the ALA. What could cause that? I am recovering from adrenal exhaustion. It makes me a little scared.

  5. for skin problems especially psorieses About the omaga 3 you should take it as your body weight for example if you 70kg you should take 7 omega tablet a day but to seaprete it 3 times a day after you eat 2 tablets morning, two tablets noon 3 tablets evning i was working at health shop and when customers took this wat the omega the skin was healed do that for 1 month
    And then make a pause to see what happens if it's better reduce for 4, tablet omega 3 a day
    also listen to Mr.Dr.Berg ofcourse he is fantastic

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