This Is What Happens to Your Brain on Opioids | Short Film Showcase

Driven by opioid addiction, drug overdose is now the leading cause of accidental death in the United States. ➡ Subscribe: …


  1. You mention genetics and the environment she grew up in, yet you fail to mention anything about it lol. You know nothing about addiction zero, nada. Addiction is about emotional dysregulation and the attempt to regulate, not about how unbearable withdrawals are. Because we know addicts who have gone through withdrawals again and again, that's not the issue. The issue is staying cleanz not getting clean. This is non sense

  2. Im a kid, 15 years old who suffered from almost any drug imaginable, the only thing keeping me sober is my family, the love they give.
    looking back at all the years of my dependency I can honestly give 2 pieces of advice, love thy neighbor as if they were your family, and speak your voice against these toxins destroying our kids. Never try drugs.

  3. Can someone tell me this. If opioides are a copy of endorphins. Why is it that when seone experiences pain, the endorphins which are released (naturally) do not stick to the dopamine inhibitor and hence result in pain = pleasure? However when a chemically induced replica of endorphins(opiodes) is used to treat pain all of a sudden it sticks to the dopamine inhibitor and subsequently affects its functionality resulting in pleasure? Moral of the story: sometimes pharmacists intentionally create such bugs to create a dependency, resulting in the patient returning to buy the pills again. It's a business move. Be vigilant.

  4. Well, this video isn't judgemental AT ALL. /s It's really all in our heads, so just have some therapy and other drugs and it will all be okay. What? You're still in pain? Too bad.

  5. Overly simplistic and leaves a lot out. Opioids starting with the first dose reduce your ability to cope and increase your sensitivity to pain. Consequently you think you need more of the drug and want it more frequently. Literally the drug makes your mind weak. Can we learn the lessons that China , South Asia and the Middle East learned long ago and stop trying to make safe opioids. It's a dead end.

  6. Just dont take pills in the first place just do like you were designed to do deal with it. Taking pills will only hide your pain idk why doctors still allow this to go on how many more people are we gonna loose to this loophole.

  7. Who breaks their arm and 3 months LATER receives opioids?! That is purely unethical. Just my opinion, but anyone who breaks any major bone and has pain should immediately get opioids for relief. Once the pain is manageable they should taper off. Going through withdrawal is bad but better that broken bone agony!

  8. My advice would be no matter what if you’re in severe pain, take your prescribed painkillers, trust me withdrawal for most people is a walk in the park compared to crippling pain. My only exception to the rule would be if you’re a recovering heroin addict for example, you may be sent into relapse by the smallest dose of opiod medications

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