The Therapeutic Promise of CBD on Autism

The Autism Society of America and Wholistic Research and Education Foundation will jointly host a Webinar on “The Therapeutic …


  1. What is the dosage for child with severe autism? Child is 12 yrs old 80 lbs and low functioning. And can someone recommend a brand? Thank you. Happy New Year to all🙏🕯

  2. Thanks to everyone taking their time to read this testimony on how my son was saved from Autism.
    He was diagnosed four years ago, and he's just 6, I have tried several treatments and medications, nothing was working out, this got me frustrated and depressed. I kept praying and finally God answered my prayers when someone from youtube introduced me to this doctor from his home country and gave me his contact details.
    I called and explained my son's condition after which I made an order for his herbal remedy, he asked for my address and the next day I got a tracking number for a parcel sent to me through DHL and after four days I received my order.
    It was a liquid herbal medicine and a letter containing the instructions on how to use the herbs, I called him again to confirm and the next morning I started giving my son the herbs as instructed and after one week I noticed great improvement on my son and I continued until the herbs got finished and everything lasted for just one month and now my son is totally free from Autism, he can now talk clearly, behave normally and has no more seizures.
    If you've been searching for a genuine solution for Autism, connect with this honest Doctor on Whats App
    + 2 3 4 8 0 7 7 6 8 3 1 0 9
    or ( solutionhealinghome @ gmail. com

  3. I can't believe how many people that have Autistic children do not do any research such as what you have posted here! with Millions of children and family members suffering from this life changing experience and there is only 2,428 views as of dec 2018. Just goes to show that people are not interested in doing any research on the more natural sides of health. It is also ironic that they fast track a Covid vaccines and do not fast track CBD oil for use lots of different types of illness. It also horrifies me that they still tell people it is not caused via the huge amounts of vaccines they give our babies. I have know many mothers that all stated that their baby turned Autistic the moment they received a vaccination and that was from Dtap, MMr etc.., but the medical authority just lie constantly about the connection. Just like SIDS connection to vaccines another great lie. Maybe in 2030's when they state there will be one in every two boys that will suffer from some form of Autism. Thank God these MD and Doctors and Scientist that agree that CBD oil can help. It should never been a Synthetic CBD oil it must always be natural.

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