Fix a stiff leg: How to treat severe spasticity

Severed spasticity makes it feel impossible to bend the knee. If you struggle with all the other exercises on this channel with …


  1. How do you lengthen muscles that may have shortened or fix a leg that keeps frogging up. My mom is 91 and had a stroke and we are unfortunately left to do PT ourselves, since the hospital doesn't provide an in depth PT program. She is also on a trach and feeding tube. Insight will be helpful. Thank you

  2. I was dx'd with MS in 2001, my game plan was denial of the reality of it. fast forward to 2022 I had a series of strokes, so I was told by the doctors', said it was all over the brain. Spactiststicy is my worst enemy. I take Baclofen for it, does help to a point.

  3. My situation is, I can bend my leg fine, but when I straighten my leg and walk, it hurts. I woke up like that, and I do have Gout but in my foot joint. If it is due to that then what do I do?

  4. I always feel stiff I have mild to moderate cerebral palsy. Can my tendons be tight and does that make my walking bad. I also feel like I need to stretch my legs all time. Please any advice is great. I have not had therapy in years

  5. One simple additional advice that may help you with spasticity. If you live in cold weather places, make sure to dress properly and stay hydrated to keep yourself warm. From personal experience, hotter weather helps me keep muscles more relaxed. So good layers are crucial during winter to avoid stiffer muscles.

  6. Our baby at 2 years old is diagnosed of Cerebellar Ataxia. We found it very difficult to do the therapy considering his age. He used to be a very happy and energetic kid. Hope you can help us in his condition. A little advise and prayers will do.

  7. You are marvelous, I hope you still are active in your therapy work. I have recovered well but have peaked after my 1st year anniversary, this video answers what my left knee suffered. Thank you, my journey continues…

  8. This was the first of your videos I watched. Within a minute of watching you messaged that passive movement is key whereas active movement not so much. You rocked my world, changed my thinking and helped relieve some spasticity, "the relax moment" is everything! Thank you so very much, looking forward to watching all your vids!

  9. Can you possibly demo with an actual stroke patient? You did not suffer stroke. You move better than us. You dont have spasticity too. I hope that in some of your future videos you can demo with actual patient, to be more realistic with your therapy

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