1. State laws vary. In Colorado you will be asked if you use cannabis when applying for gun ownership. if you answer yes, you will not be permitted to purchase a gun and the application explains clearly that its a felony to lie about your cannabis use. So, if you use marijuana at all, the only way you'll get a gun is to lie about it. But if you have a med card that may be very difficult to get away with. In Virginia the application leaves you some wiggle room because it asks "are you addicted" to any substance including marijuana since the answer to that question is subjective. You can answer "NO" and be correct depending on your definition of addicted. The wording used on the application in your particular state is extremely important. You can view a copy of the applications at the .gov websites of most states. If you own a gun or are planning to own a gun, its probably not a good idea to get a medical cannabis card. You really are forced to choose one or the other, so connecting with the black market may be important if you want to own and keep your guns.

  2. Thanks for posting this. I use this in arguments on purchasing a firearm to ppl who are anti 2nd Amendment and for more gun laws when they try to say "its too easy to purchase firearm." But yet don't know about this. When its on page 1 section 21.e. I've seen one news station in AZ. touch on this buy saying "questions on the form range from are you a felon to do you smoke marijuana?"

  3. What if this was never disclosed to you at the time of being prescribed by a doctor? It wouldn't be illegal to prescribe you medicine in which you cant practice your constitutional rights? Whats next? You have a cdl, so you lose your 4th amendment right?

    Im going to bring a lawsuit against the mmur for nondisclosure of loss of constitutional rights.

  4. Thanks for that information , I hope there’s a loophole or the law will change , that law will criminalize law abiding citizens who are unaware. I will share this with my friends and family , and like and subscribe .

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