5 Problems with Vaccines for Dogs and Cats

Dr Jones’ Free Book… Dr Jones highlights his 5 primary concerns with vaccines for dogs and …


  1. By the time my dog reached a very old age I had decided she had had enough vaccines in her lifetime. But my vet who I thought you cared about my dog, would no longer clean her teeth or do anything for her other than check her out if she was sick. Even though we had bi- yearly blood work. So her teeth were full of tartar by the time she did finally passed away at 16. I felt they had me over a barrel and were holding me hostage to force their opinions on me.

  2. Totally agree. Thank you for your encouragement. I only got my cats and dogs vaccinated for the main disease 1 round complete. Then never again for the rest of their life. That's why my dogs are rejected to enter dog school, boarding or dog playground because their vaccination status considered as expired.

  3. Hi, Doc. I would like to buy Dandelion leaf tincture for my dog but I can't find this product made by prairie doctor brand in Usa . Is there any good Dandelion leaf tinture similar to prairie doctor brand I could buy in USA? Thank-you very much !!!🙏

  4. Hello..My dog was diagnosed July 22 with Congestive Heart Failure..Pulmonary Edema..Enlarged Heart..Mineralization of both Liver and Gallbladder and a history of Pancreatitis ..he is 11.He is responding to medication though his conditions are chronic and degenerative. I had to make the hard decision to leave my Veterinarian of almost 11 years since my lil guy was in need of a Cardiologist and the only way to obtain that appointment was to have my dog become a patient at another practice that has a Cardiologist.since Covid appointments and Cardiologist here in Massachusetts are hard to find and come by waits up to 6 months and we couldn’t wait..So Long story short my dog was due for Rabies vaccination this past August 23rd. The Cardiologist confirmed the diagnosis and life expectancy and stage of my dog disease with 8 to 9 months..not only am I heartbroken and devastated but am being forced by the new practice to Vaccinate for Rabies.They refused to give a waiver or to confirm if he had vaccine left in his system even though his medical records has a Vaccine Alert since he has had a negative reaction in the past though not to the Rabies . My feeling is why does he need this Vaccine at the end stage of his life.His risk factor of contracting this disease is extremely low. So I contacted my previous Vet and she agreed with me and provided us with a waiver to not Vaccinate to submit to the town however the new practice told me yesterday to either comply with their policy and the state’s policy said I am breaking the law and they will not except a waiver from another practice and will no longer treat my dog as their patient unless I come in immediately and Vaccinate or to find another practice for care.When I said I did not feel comfortable to Vaccinate at this time while he is so I’ll she merely said it’s relatively safe and lots of dogs with his condition and older get vaccinated without issue.Relatively safe doesn’t mean it’s safe for my 6lb dying dog that has been vaccinated his whole life and I am positive he still has vaccine left in his system.I am beyond disgusted with the system and the lack of Care and Empathy of mine and my dogs current circumstances.I will not be forced to Vaccinate my dying dog! Currently seeking a new Vet/Cardiologist.Thank You Dr Jones !! I needed to hear your views and has made me more convinced not to Vaccinate

  5. Injection site sarcoma in cats….. they have known for a very long time of the correlation.
    They once vaccinated at the base of the tail….. untreatable.
    Then they learned to vaccinate in one of the rear legs……. now they can Amputate the leg to save the cat.
    Mad science !!!!!!!

    Check into Titer counts .

  6. My dog developed a lump after a rabies shot and also got sick. The lump took YEARS to go away. The vet tried to tell me he couldn't get sick from a rabies shot. Sorry, I know that's not true.

  7. In my province, rabies vaccines are mandatory for dogs and in my town, you have to have proof of rabies vaccines to get your dog tags. I hate it!!! Years ago, one of my cats had a bad reaction to the vaccines. I had to pay for an extra visit for having him looked at, since I was so worried about him. Just to be told sometimes it happens! Never since, have I ever had a cat vaccinated, except for the original first vaccinations since they were mandatory to get a spay done. I'm so sick of over vaccinations!

  8. Thank you so much. A veterinarian told me the same when I got my dog. It had had the vaccine with the breeder as a puppy so we did do the booster, but I did not vaccinate him again and he is 10 years old. My cat was vaccinated when we first got it and I will not vaccinate it again either. In Europe if you want to travel with your animal it must have the rabis vaccine. So we thought, well if we plan to travel, we will get the vaccine 3 months before so that his card will be up to date, but we have never left the country so he has never gotten it. After hearing your video, I feel reassured that I am doing the right thing.

  9. Thank you I was always skeptical about some vaccines.I don't give my pets flea-tick meds unless they absolutely need it I check them ever 2-3 days.I assume If it kills ticks it must be kinda toxic and I don't want it in there system every month it can't be healthy.

  10. I didn't want to vaccine my cats.. But, pet boardings and pet centres will only accept cat with vaccine documents. At last resort I leave my cats at home with the prayer that GOD will look after them when I have to go outstation for 3 days. Praise the GOD everything is safe and fine.

  11. Hi I'm from India. Have joined you recently. Your videos are helping my Pixie, she was recently diagnosed with agressive tumors. Lungs rectum. Needed some more guidance. Would like to email you…🙏

  12. I have two indoor cats who almost died from side effects so I no longer vax them.
    This year my 7 year old Heeler had a sever reaction to her annual vax, and so now we will be splitting them up with one weekly of only the basics that are needed.

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