1. at the moment havent smoked any good weed in maybe 9-10mnths
    guy lived to far from me to get off all time but he had some bomb ass lemon haze spewin he isnt closer
    he was kinda a 20th century hippy looked like mushroom/trips type with photos tho
    i didnt wana ever take trip again tho once was enough laughed waaay to much over 1 scene in the movie to hyper focused on that 1 scene just before he goes streakin on old school ended up 1hr laughin session anyways his weed was greatest in looooong time only smoked it for 4 weeks tho
    i miss his weed

    ive had some average & bad stuff & asian bud its been quite poo lately last guy i got over going to giving me weak product again
    i think bad weed can be bad for health tho mentally

    y i get worried with going to some when i build that habbit for it
    my habbits would last 2-5mnths usually then have long breaks
    i love it tho
    great feeling sitting there stoned as lookin at myself by myself with no one around im smiling the thoughts of myself alone r quite elevated stimulated thoughts of myself im cool & chilled more tolerant
    anyone in bad mood on weed i cant deal with not sure y some smoke when it doesnt have such effects on them to stimulate positive thinking

    coz i think ive developed a taste to harm others the weed keeps me stable & helps relieve alot of mental health issues

    in future i wana grow some ok stuff indoor looks the way for good bud i dont like callin dealers i find it awakard & i cant always trust people with product lacing it is a possibility or just timing they could be busy or not hav any for 1-4weeks
    i rather have my own stuff in future i wana have planations & grow solid stuff for myself mainly medicine for me not for sell i dont wana sell i just wana grow for myself & few friends so many benefits tho only drug i do now no alcohol even

    weed is great tho if weed is solid i dont know much bout it only learning in past 3yrs with some suspcious lookin product looked like pgr or laced or asian bud given to me & the effects of bad weed can make u schizo some dealers r junkies as well which is y u cant always trust buyin from them sellin us bad product & they smoke the good stuff for them or there closer friends
    so i definitly wana grow for myself in future i need to get some seeds from over seas or here if i can score some wedding cake sounds solid could b different for me i definitly wana travel to try some weed tho amsterdam in future i stay there for 2-3weeks tryin different strains til i find my favourite strain i'l get seeds then i'l start breed mixing with some ive seen some say does work at times

    i know id have to grow alot for myself in future with amount of things im be exposed to with myself allowin myself to see alot in comming mnths/years & work im do daily with the me time i have pot consumption is nesscary with amount of thinkin & hours im put in with things im doing in future pot wil help me stay on track & coz i know alot of time studying & working would require such consumption y im have alot for myself in future

    & to contain such a personality i have & with 10+ health benefits
    weed is the bomb tho
    planning on travellin amsterdam january or march lol weed here lately has been poo + hard to find quality dealers most r crack houses or its guys with habbits lacing it tryin sell it
    i dont know same amount of people i once did years ago makes it harder to find good weed
    i offered that guy extra money to drop off he refused its bout 2hr drive i can understand i dont wana risk drivin out to him id be paraniod lol

  2. Hes still like a 10 jears old

    Following puff the magic dragon

    Fam tigaa

    To the weed topic-sometimes we try to forgett something or us , its more logical than Psychological shit talk

    Mutch better way and nature from god then longtime Alkohol drinking

    Mike is fit and smokes Tonnes

    Its all mindset and energy

    And He does it cause they made him that He dont like himself sometimes cause He is good hearted and this role He was in was expected !

    All alkis will see and feel it later when youre done cause of it

    Mike is dancing and singing and top healthy.. Respekt bra

    Sensetivity makes bipolar cause the world is to mutch matrix and we knows3it

    Cause of this GOD gave us weed

    Orbital thing solar soul style

    Go back go future

    We all got other Elements

    Earth love weed fire too

  3. Weed can be very hard to get off I be depressed and not the same with out I regret starting smoking it shit can be hard to keep up with 💴 it’s ok for mike Tyson and snoop dog wiz have money they will never run out of ganja

  4. I can so relate to Mr. Tyson regarding cannabis. It makes me a nicer and more relaxed person. Dr. Jekyll I am when under the influence of grass. I become Mr. Hyde when not under the influence. Marijuana smooths out the edges in my life. Funny thing about weed is that it appears to work better when you do good things. When you have had a good, constructive day, the weed is more satisfying. If I have had a bad day, maybe lost my temper, the weed is not as satisfying. This is a bad drug? Who is the moron who is responsible for making this noble plant illegal? No matter what Trudeau does, I will always be thankful to him for legalizing this wonderful plant in Canada.

  5. coming from a opioide addiction ( tilidin ) i would like to smoke weed but iam a complete beginner to that stuff. iam 31 and smoked 3 times in my life. 2 of those 3 it gave me anxiety. are there any tipps for a beginner to smoke in moderation?

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