CARNIVAL Time in SINGAPORE! // CBD Transforms into Fun Carnival at NIGHT With GIANT CINEMA SCREEN!

WOW! A last minute trip found us in Singapore’s CBD, enjoying CARNIVAL time, with fun games, food and an outdoor screening …


  1. amazing that you still enjoying here in singapore.. i thought you guys already are get enough of this tiny city.. ❀️ your vids with you n your family

  2. Culprits from Singapore Press Holdings and many of their counterparts labelled me the "world" and say I am against "white teeth". They are really out to control my life over the media, and they have a secret electromagnetic offensive weapon that can trigger all reactions in the body, including disease symptoms and pain, to facilitate this. Somebody please help me. Please say no to torture and oppression and the media's secret electromagnetic offensive weapon.

  3. I am sitting here watching a great family time , listening to the rain pour down in Melbourne (Australia) , having as much fun as you are, wishing Peg & I were there, well maybe next year Philltheflyer

  4. Nice!!! Reminded me of my holidays in Perth during their Arts Festival quite some time back where I attended their outdoor Film Show in the park. Lovely!!! 😁

  5. Nice! Looks like y’all had a good times! They should have shown Jungle Cruise on Saturday and Great Showman on Friday, but oh well, beggar can’t be choosers 😬 Did you guys won the Google Nest?

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