Coffee with MarkZ and the Codeman 09/16/2022

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  1. We all live on Native American lands and I do feel like these are humans and no matter how on one side I get it but the compassion for humanity far outweighs the rest if the shoe was on the other foot and I was here with no where to go and just be ran around like a heard of cattle. I would hope someone would help, these folks could have been lied to as we have. I believe it’s our corrupt governments that have allowed this to happen! But solidarity and solutions to the issues are necessary!
    They are human brothers and sisters… WWG1WGAWW but only if I choose… make no sense. That’s not Christ like😔

  2. Thought Trump signed The Insurection Act on November 3rd, 2019. (day after election fraud). Two months before leaving Whitehouse. Therefore The Consitutional Republic Military has been in charge. JUST watching the Installed Administration waking up more and more people. This way We The People Will understand and willing to make changes. This Evil Administration and other evil doers will go down hard, but they will make attempts to take out innocent that's what Evil does. No Fear, The Greater Good Shall Prevail!!!
    God Bless President Trump!!
    God Bless John "The Punisher " Durham!!
    God Bless Space Force!!
    God Bless Ops!!
    God Bless Patriots!!
    God Bless Community!!

  3. Excellent posting, Mark!
    You and Mr. C are SO on top of things and we greatly appreciate the both of you (and wonderful Andy!) and the Mods, etc.
    Loved how you both were gracious enough to spend more time to "connect dots" (and sometimes, repeat for the Newbies!).
    You both are REAL men and are also, highly intelligent, gentlemen.
    What great role models!
    Those of us watching you for awhile, do not mind the repeats in the least. It reminds us all to take care of those still not in the tent!
    Hugs and thank you!

  4. The military will be assisting certain humanitarian projects, .. like the medbed centers. They will be training the staff on the technology & how to run the centers… and protecting. Veterans will be security for the centers(all will be treated with medbeds asap .. ensuring they are healthy and recovered from injuries, first). C'mon RV!!!! We need to heal our brothers and sisters ❤

  5. Nuclear scare event?☢️ Q521: Freak not out. Scare event necessary. XRP will crash briefly with everything then rise like the Phoenix out the ashes of economic & financial system destruction: Gold QFS

  6. Shemitah year ends at end of month of Elul around 9-25-2022 beginning the year of [debt] Jubilee. 🎺
    10 dark days of collapse leading to the trumpet of the Jubilee Declaration?

    LEVI 25:9 Then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the jubile to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month, in the day of Atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all your land.

    Kim Clement indeed prophesied TRUMP shall become a Trumpet. 🎺

    Inverted yield curve and sudden yield surge are indicative of imminent financial system failure.

    XRP is the Phoenix. World Bridge Currency.

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