Episode Presented by: Cosmic Disc Golf! Sponsored by: DG Max Wax – visit to …


  1. How long has Natalie been playing disc golf? She says she can throw far because of field practice. Next thing you know, she's winning DGPT events and beating the best players in the sport. Meanwhile, other female discers have been playing for 10-20 years, and can't throw 430ft and win 2 events in a year.

  2. Love seeing Simon win that one from that back row! Matt Bell on the card was a bonus and I can't complain about Makela staying close for most of it. Congrats to Simon, wish the family and I could've been there to see at as we usually are. What a win.

  3. It is an awkward subject that I thought was handled well in the interview… The fact is Natalie will never be a woman regardless of how many hormones or surgeries Natalie opts for. Whether her skills align with the top women throwers is really immaterial. This doesn't take away from the hard work Natalie has put into the craft, but the issue in question is a fundamental one that exists before there is even language to redefine what someone's biological expression is.

  4. Sticking to the facts: – "Longitudinal studies examining the effects of testosterone suppression on muscle mass and strength in transgender women consistently show very modest changes, where the loss of lean body mass, muscle area and strength typically amounts to approximately 5% after 12 months of treatment. Thus, the muscular advantage enjoyed by transgender women is only minimally reduced when testosterone is suppressed. Sports organizations should consider this evidence when reassessing current policies regarding participation of transgender women in the female category of sport."

  5. Fellas, as an audio guy you gots to have someone monitoring external mics, Natalie's mic is so hot her levels have to peaking on your end. Listener experience not so good, had to keep lowering it myself through the interview. otherwise guys great interview!!

  6. The argument that Ryan’s distance and arm speed is comparable to Pierce, Hansen et al, is dumb. My distance and arm speed is comparable too. What are you saying? If you’re a dude that throws 425’ just identify as a woman and join the tour?

  7. Ryan is a disgrace to women's disc golf and should be banned from FPO and go back to amateur disc golf where he belongs. Sorry, not sorry. If he wants to pretend he is a women in his personal life that it fine. But he is stealing money and opportunities from real women. Tattar would have won another tournament if it wasn't for a male playing in a protected division. Such a shame.

  8. So what's the difference between a transgender woman playing in fpo and just some guy who wants to rake in some cash by cheating the system? How are we to know the difference? I'll use Lia Thomas as an example, she was 400 than transitions and is first, still has a P and dates women. Is she really a woman. I'm very confused someone help me out here, am I just supposed to except everything and not question it with logic? This a real question I'm trying to wrap my head around what I was led to believe for 37 years

  9. There’s a reason we’re not gonna see trans athletes in a sport like NBA. For a lot of the same reasons disc golf is gonna stay a small niche sport. With choices like allowing a transitioning male to compete amongst women the pdga is essentially putting a limit on any potential success the sport can gain. It doesn’t take a genius to see

  10. Ive personally never once heard any issue regarding anyone regarding people of color or race…. id love to hear what examples Natalie is talking about on the pro tour. Because that truly isnt ok. But i haven't heard that from anyone besides her. If that is the case, bring it into the spotlight. There isnt more hate in the sport. Just people wanting fair and equal chances.

  11. Its a very 1 one conversationm so Natalie is allowed to share what she believes in but if others dont believe that they have no voice and they get censored. No one is even allowing a conversation. You are only allowing 1 perspective.

  12. Big Nate just didn’t want to put the hard work in to become a better male disc golfer. In what world do you take drugs that weaken your body to become less competitive so you can lower your level of play to compete in a division?! Dumb. PDGA needs to go away.

  13. My comment for Natalie… do the right thing for disc golf & more importantly by FAR, for women. Stop competing in the FPO. What you are doing is hurting the sport, hurting young women's dreams & causing tons of negative energy. Nobody wants that. You can be admired or hated, that's on you. Be a good example & support the females by playing MPO. You know you have an advantage. You can't be honest & say you don't. Your agenda, which we all know is to validate you being female, will be much more accepted if you don't force your views of yourself on others. Do the right thing for the FPO & compete in the MPO next year.

  14. Congratulations Simon! What an incredible year so far 🥇🏆🔥 1st becoming a Father & getting married to what seems to be a lovely lady. Then not just 1 win, not 2 wins but 4!?! What?? As I stated on IG you're Super Simon! Love it 😁

  15. When have we seen a biological female compete with men and win on a professional level? When have we seen a biological male compete with females and win on a professional level? Just curious

  16. Well-spoken player (Natalie). Human acceptance, and fairness in sport are both important principles in theory and practice. The issue gets problematic when they are over-conflated. The logical conclusion to the inclusive argument is that we ought to have only one division for all sports. Nuanced issue, not viable across the board. Burden is on sanctioning bodies (IMO). Super bummed for Corey but happy for Simon, he's a fan sensitive guy, that's what drives the pro sport. Well done interviews, thank you !

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