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  1. Don't know about your sponsor though as CBD oil isn't legal without prescription in Australia yet and the screenshot from the website said cdb instead of CBD. I mean if they're paying you then go for it

  2. Especially during WW 2 many women in Germany worked in factories to ensure the supply of goods and weapons. After WW2 many women got back to their home, we all know the 50s and 60s picture of a woman. Till the 70s woman were allowed to work if their husband was okay with that, at the end of the 70s that changed and many young woman entered the work places. I am the third generation of women that are completely free to chose what they do with their life. Right now we have 50% women in universities, more girls then boys make a german high school diploma, after the big baby boomer generation drops out of the working places many women will get into leading positions. My grandma was a stay at home mom without any degree, my mom worked as a hair stylist and stayed at home when we were young, me and my sister both studied at uni. So this shows you how fast women took their chances. ☺️ I'm glad other generations of women AND men fought for the rights I have today. 🙂 For me there's nothing to complain about. ☺️

  3. 10:09 if she "has a bank account she has feminism to thank"? Can we name ONE global bank that feminism started? Can we name one CC company that feminism started? Can we name one social media company that feminism started? The ignorance of Red Blouse is staggering!

  4. When someone disagrees with the “woke@, they always resort to name calling , racist , sexist,homophobic and body shaming slurs . It’s called projecting a the woke are shits. If you’re not a liberal in your teens your heartless, if you’re not a conservative by your thirties you’re a fool.

  5. Hot take, I'm pretty sure that pretty much everyone should fit under the definition of what it is to be a feminist, meaning that we all want equal rights for both genders, which means that anyone who dosen't think that are the only people who don't qualify as feminists.

  6. I'm afraid that the Rockefeller family had their hands in quite a few pies and none of them delicious. Yes, they did play a part creating the first wave to increase the tax base thus increasing the consumer base by nearly 100%. Consumerism is the main driving force however, I wouldn't write off the so called conspiracy theories, a term by the way, created by the CIA, but that's another conspiracy!! By the way, the Rockefeller's are Baptists not Jews, I think the young feminist is confusing families!! The world has gone BONKERS 🤪… Keep up the great work!!

  7. One of my last semester of college required me to have one of those bullshit filler classes… because that's how most degrees are. Not entirely sure what the topic was, but just to get it over with and maybe pick one out at random ~ a wild WOMENS STUDIES appears! This was an opportunity to get behind enemy lines and, wow, there was a lot of shit flung on day one by these indoctrinated 18 year old Feminazis in-training. Within the first week some gal in front of me said something to the effect of "in a perfect world men would give birth, too". Wut? Tucking the laws of biology aside, can someone please tell me the thought process behind that statement?

    I stayed the entire semester just grinning and bearing all kinds of nonsense. Maybe only said ten words the entire time there. Not that I was peeking, but can swear I saw some other gal's laptop wallpaper was some crudely made sign labeled "no penises allowed". As repulsive as many of them were, it was quite safe to assume no guy would attempt to get near her/them even if it was to steal a password protected computer.

  8. Women complain about the wage gap but then will have standards that a guy has to make x amount to date them. If women get paid more theres less men for them… So basically they wanna cut down their own dating pool lol goes to show how stpiud these birds are.

  9. Nothing more beautiful than a woman standing up for men.

    Also love some of the counter "points". Nothing more than word salad with no substance and just insults.

  10. ima just say it we are all thinking it 😛
    Moden day femensist is just racism…
    they are attacking and demonizing white men.. just like the narzis did to the jews.. gina was right… and they new it.. so they destoryed her.. well they tryed to..

  11. Most conspiracy theories, have an obnoxious habit, of turning out to have been true all along, but there are plenty of false ones as well, time seems to be the only way to tell for sure…(taking the time to patiently go thru, & study them properly would take too much, for most people)..,😊

  12. Good God l am so grateful for being a woman that supports women and is allergic to toxic feminist agenda. I honestly feel bad for men that have to deal with these delusional clowns that call themselves feminist

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