Calls For Changes To Medicinal Cannabis Driving Rules

Medicinal cannabis users are calling for changes to driving rules. Currently, medicinal cannabis users are not able to drive in most …


  1. The government & nanny state law enforcement agencies need to wake up. I can self medicate on my prescription benzodiazepine insomnia medication before bed, then stumble out of bed still very impaired & drive to work without a problem being picked at a roadside test. If I take my prescription, controlled herbal medicinal cannabis which contains THC, then get roadside tested, there goes my license. Wake up buffoon bureaucrats. Change the laws with the times. The sooner the better, and allow people a chance to get their lives back from debilitating conditions such as chronic insomnia, anxiety, depression & chronic pain. Stop the stigma & drive policy through data & facts, not public or personal opinion.

  2. I've used most drugs in my 38 years. You name it, and I've most likely done it. And without a shadow of a doubt, weed is not a danger, UNLESS the person under the influence is absolutely smashed out of their gourd. But even then, most people who are that stoned are not getting behind the wheel of a car…because 1) the car is all the way outside in the driveway, and 2) they are too happy chilling in front of the tv.

  3. Great story.
    Maybe what we should be looking at doing is having a roadside mobile device that can measure the % of THC the same way as a roadside breath analysis unit shows a % of alcohol in your breath. Introduce THC driving laws the same as alcohol laws. With the same range of levels as alcohol laws, clear, low, medium and high ranges

  4. Driving under the influence of Oxycontin should be illegal; I had a MVA while taking that opioid pain killer, mainly because my peripheral vision was impaired as well as my reaction time, although the accident wasn't my fault.

  5. To have 264 deaths on the road and 60 were positive to thc that’s nearly 25 percent of them deaths linked to drug driving, to think that you think that’s not linked or a reason you’re a living in fairy land and that’s selfish to drive like that ..

  6. use Colgate toothpaste to get past the drug test. 99.9 percentage anti . works everytime i get pulled over . just put bit in mouth as they pull u over. passes test everytime guys. its flaud there test. or use kfc wicked wings gets past the test as well. there are heaps of ways around a mobile drug test from hi way patrol. heaps guys.

  7. Actually, studies have shown people who smoke cannabis are safer drivers.

    PS. Moreover, a middle-aged patient's level of tolerance is such they no longer get "impaired".

  8. Very controversial subject when it comes to driving but that always only seems to from be non-users who aren't aware of how careful and even over-engaged people are drive on cannabis. Ability to judge distance and potentially dizzy headspins right after smoking would be the main conserns. Anyone driving completely sober the next day of course should be considered a false postive.

  9. If people were really to "trust the science" then marijuana would never have been a problem when it comes to driving. The actual science says that pot affected drivers were found to be better drivers than the non affected drivers in a control group study carried out by the university of California on over 2000 students while they were learning to drive. The "impairment" of pot affected drivers is a beat up and should be dismissed as it has no merit or as the story points out, no metric to base judgement upon.

  10. About time, it’s great that Australia is beginning to wake up to countless peer reviewed studies and health professionals petitioning for change. Let’s hope that Australia and the rest of the world substantially revise their drug laws in the next year to be based on data and logic rather than fear and hysteria.

  11. The current laws make no sense. In South Australia personal consumption is not a crime, however, the next day when all effects and impairment have gone if you drive you are a criminal!
    Committing a misdemeanor offence one day becomes a crime the next!

  12. I’m in the same situation. The cannabis oil is the best thing I’ve ever had for my health issues. All doctor’s did was to keep pumping pain killers into me. I was a walking zombie but was still allowed to drive. Now on prescribed medicinal oil I function like a normal person with none of the side effects but am now breaking the law. Go figure. Love our politicians and archaic laws.


  14. We need a level as we do have for alcohol. My wife has been using this now prescribed by doctors. Let’s get a level and an exemption for medical diagnosis cannabis users , not dopers, and let these people get their lives back.

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