It's Okay To Change Your Mind: Mercury & Venus Conjoin in Virgo

Today we are going to talk about Mercury’s conjunction with Venus. Mercury has been retrograde back in the sign of Virgo and is …


  1. My husband and I have been living a really unsettled life for a while and in February I decided to leave my 20 year old cat to live with my mother in Texas. We are in Florida. This was mostly a mental decision about keeping her in a stable environment and not having to move around with her causing her stress. We were about to move back to Texas and I was going to get her in 10 days. Her health has taken a dive and later today my friend is going to take her to the vet to end her life. My heart is screaming at me that I did the wrong thing. She should have been with me all of this time. I’m so sad that I let my mind make this decision. We had to evacuate due to Ian and in my mind I know that it would have been worse if she was with us. But my heart is hurting.

  2. Another beautiful video Acyuta. Watching and listening this video, it is so obvious that every word which leaves your mouth is with love of your Craft and your honesty. Bright Blessings🌠💜

  3. This mutual reception reminds me of a football game where the teams are in each others’ end zone, miss, then go to their own end zones and score 🤷🏾‍♀️

  4. I like the new format (you have been using a while), with numbered points of interpretation. Clear and concise presentation/framing for the wonderful meanderings of your mind.

  5. #grabbed today during the Venus/Mercury conjunction I signed up for debit counseling. This looks so good going forward and with Venus going into Libra and Mercury stationing direct. Life at home is going to feel so good! Thank you Acuyta 🙏🏻

  6. You help me think

    I have become more conservative than what I like but really it’s because
    I think everything is relative
    I use to be more in tune with the absolute reality more but then I have become thinking everything is relative

    Probably from studying budhism when I did

  7. For a few months i have been making arrangmets to buy the condo I am living in. Looks like to is going to close on Sept 30th. Find it interesting what you said early on about completion. I am a Libra sun and rising sign with venus and mercury in Libra.

  8. Hari Bol! Got to have surgery. Unfortunately I live in a state with horrible health care. I came from Colorado to New Mexico because I can't afford my old home state anymore. I NEED some serious courage right now. Krishna has this.

  9. #grabbed by this transit “swap over” between Mercury and Venus as I am about to experience a change of role from teacher to student. Specifically I will be changing from language teacher to language student. I have taught English to migrants (in Australia) and now I am learning to live in German-speaking Austria and will start my beginners course in German tomorrow. I am doing this for love as my partner is Austrian. The current new moon is also in my 7th House of relationships so hopefully this is a good time to begin a very expensive language course!

  10. "Loosely remember" what Freaky Friday is, huh? 😉
    Gotcha. Mom's the word.
    This episode's synchronicity is loud and clear. Thank you.
    Lookin good too. Your growth is a constant source of inspiration.

  11. So much to think, and feel about! Especially as a Mercury dom person with Venus in ♎5th house. I could humble myself to change my mind about a very important connection in my life. But I am learning to love and honor myself and cannot continue to be the only one, initiating and making concessions. Thank you for this cosmic weather report! 💜💜💜

  12. Thank you for this. This has definitely #grabbed hold of me. This conjunction is happening exact on my natal Venus Virgo which I had return over the weekend. This has definitely been a healing transit bringing me back to, and accept, myself as I am with my own Venusian energy. It reignited my love of creative visual arts, creative writing, the sheer beauty that I find in daily life and especially in nature that I buried for a while. Because my Venus is tied a bit to my 10th house (where my natal Mercury sits) this created that 180, also in part due to my Libra 12th house activation right now, decision and turning point that refined my career direction.

  13. The conjunction is conjunct my Mars – Much of my own healing work has been very much through knowledge and logic yet I attended (online) a day of Somatic speakers on Saturday and realised how feeling and using our senses is needed for all parts of self to be embodied – Thanks for your work Acyuta!

  14. This Venus / Merc conjunction is cazimi my 26° Virgo Sun today. All of them squaring my 23° Gemini Moon. I do change my mind all the time. 😆 But boy do I ever love this energy! 🙌🏼❤️ Thank you, Acyuta!

  15. Lately even though I feel better, my brain is shot, just like nothing there lol. I have all these random people arguing with me about Jesus after I already said it's a stressful thing. I never figured I'd change Christianity but I did think I'd find somewhere else I'd have peace with. I don't know what kind of flip flop this is going to do.

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