1. Pharmakia is a bit more than stoners just sitting around chattin it up about jesus. Your kind of getting into dangerous territory because it’s technically saying anyone who’s on meds that talks about Jesus it’s Pharmakia. I had 2 cups of coffee and sat in a circle, talked about Jesus- Pharmakia? Well if what this man is saying is correct then I guess so. I’m sure you know about shamans contacting the spirit world with very strong psychedelics, now your comparing a few burnouts talking some hippie Jesus bullshit to sorcery similar to that. I mean if we’re being extreme I can bust out the extreme and you’d be convinced nobodies getting into heaven at all
like ever. That phone your holding isn’t exactly something Jesus is gonna be a fan of.

  2. I thought he is just like a jesus hyper and god loving you but knows only the kid version of the bible. It’s just entertaining and I don’t think he was going for the critic of the content like these comments

  3. I think to sum this up due to the bible scriptures, studying, and researching. Wine is mind altering which is basically alcohol(plant). Marijuana is mind altering some say (plant) however they both have benefits. If you put two and two together its all about moderation. With anything in life everything has to be done in moderation but it can't block your relationship with God.

    Example if you play video games daily and it consumes more of your time you are worshipping the video game. You can stand in a mirror, workout, work a job, etc. even drinking too much water is a form of sin hence gluttony. You are no longer worshipping god but you are worshipping other things like jobs, yourself, etc. the list goes on.

    As the bible says about drunkenness' you can't have too much moderation is key. You will have to decide what is too much. Does it hurt your relationship with your kids, wife, husband, family, your financial situation then you should stop. Are you different while using these substances (abusive, sex favors, causing or acting in sin, doing things you normally wouldn't do If you are sober hence why god said sober mind) unable to have control over your life and that vice alters your relationship with god you have your answer. Hence some love social media and Youtube so much that they let it consume their lives however we are using this for the greater good to hear the word from Sandals church.

    Do what it is you please we all have free will don't judge others as that duty is beyond all of our pay grade.
    Moderation is key

  4. Everyone in Christ is a NEW CREATION. That's what the Bible says. You cannot serve two masters. That's also what the Bible says. You must confess Christ as Lord of your life to be saved. That's also in Scripture. It's not debatable.

  5. I appreciate his enthusiasm for Jesus, albeit he’s never met him either, but the dude is out of his mind. Fun fact, the Jews used to burn weed combined with other incense at the alters when the high priests did the rituals. They used cow dung to burn it on because cow dung can burn at lower temperatures for longer periods. This is all archaeological evidence. So when you sit here and say the Bible says weeds bad, they were smoking weed probably when they wrote the Bible. Cannabis/or the use of it and it’s abundant medical proprieties will never be witchcraft. It’s sad when religions classify some thing they don’t understand as witchcraft just because their mind doesn’t want to understand it. I think not preaching false info to the masses esp when The Christian religion has caused so many deaths that we shouldn’t even have this conversation. So as I would say, smoke your weed and live in ✌

  6. This is so wrong on so many levels !! God made the Earth with all living things the herbs and plants are for us to use not to look pretty ?? Smoking marijuana actually activated your third eye which is your antenna to connect to spirit . When your high your able to manifest more easily and love and appreciate God through his medicine . There is nothing wrong with smoking . Open your eyes people certain bibles were rewritten several times and certain religions seek to divide us. We must raise the vibration of the planet with Love . This pastor is ridiculous he’s teaching people to not love the earth because then that means you won’t love God ??? That makes no sense at lol . In fact I appreciate God more for creating these things like livestock and herbs . It’s all here for the ecosystem. You guys be careful . Some religions and churches â›Ș have too many rules all to try and control you on this earth . You are free soul this is your life you do as you please while loving God and appreciating this Mother earth . Anyone who doesn’t live like this is limiting themselves and living in a dogmatic mindset . I can’t be controlled and you shouldn’t allow someone to think for you !!!

  7. Did he say weed leads to God? I don’t get it. Pharma Kia means what, you are Scientologists? Or do you take aspirin when you have a headache? That explanation always sounded funky to me, like bad linguistics training.

  8. All of you who smoke whatever that you are smoking to cope with any problems in life, you are weak in spirit and no faith in Jesus. You are what we call fake Christians. When you trust God all Mighty with all your heart and soul, there is nothing impossible to the Holy Spirit. In Jesus name there is a Magnitude of Power that is harness into his Name. Even the demons believe it and tremble .

    So did a legion of unclean spirits into a chainless man. All evil spirits in him crying and begging Jesus to not torment them.

    "When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. He shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In God’s name don’t torture me!”
    -Mark 5:6-7

    “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.” – Isaiah 54:17, KJV

    Believing that you need pills, drugs, alcohol to cope with life and lying to yourself that Jesus will keep his eyes close… you are heading to a high deceit. Jesus knew what he was facing on his night of betrayal by Judas when he prayed to his father in the Mount of Olives: “Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” Luke 22:42
    That is how we should give ourselves to our father, like Jesus. In all of our weakest moment we need to set out heart to God and pray to strengthen us through the Holy Spirit. By being obedient to him is how protects us. Not by smoking a blunt and thinking that we are good with God. Blasphemy, lies, cuning, deceitful. You are in Satan palm if you think this way. Seperate yourself from the goats or you will enter to quenching everlasting flame of hell. Love God your father for he wants the best for you and everyone.

    My message to all, be sober in mind, do not follow this clown for he will be your downfall. Read the Bible for the truth shall set you free.

  9. This man is no man of God, but a clown. A pharasee who likes a platform and claps and admiration of people. He will be judge severely for not representing God's message to the people. He's building a joke, uses blasphemy.

  10. Ummm .. well I didn't know smoking weed was a sin . I had conflict about it after Jesus saved me. So I quit because I didn't know and would just rather not. I got really overwhelmed one day and thought well He doesn't really say anything about it … a couple weeks later I feel convicted about it and belive it's an idol in my life because I go to it instead of the Lord when I'm overwhelmed. That being said I LIKE smoking but I love Jesus more. It a temptation for ME. May not be for this pastor… is he telling me because I stumbled Jesus isn't my Lord?

  11. I die daily. đŸ˜ąđŸ„ŠđŸ”„đŸ’šđŸ˜Ž.
    Marijuana is the tree of life.
    Jesus was a "pot head".

    This pastor is so judgemental. OMG
    You should apologize to them. Wow.
    Marijuana is not a drug.
    Marijuana IS Jesus!

    Wake up you hypocrite!

  12. Smoking cannabis makes me appreciate life and all of its wonders, enjoying spending time with family, enjoying nature with all of Gods creations, makes me a patient man, makes me a better spouse and human being
to say someone doesn’t know God makes you a snake oil salesman and makes me feel you don’t know Jesus yourself.

  13. Wow. Glad I wasn't there, I would have rebuked the pastor. That was done out of pure ego. That wasn't Christian. The pharmacia reference wasn't entirely accurate. He's forgetting about the part where they sprinkle blood and pray to demons. That reference of pharmakia is always used with blood.
    This pastor is pretending you have to be perfect before approaching Jesus. He was judgmental from the start. I was hoping it was just for jokes, but no. That's not the way bro. That was more damaging than marijuana

  14. I mean.. I understand where the pastor is coming from, but I also understand where Christians who smoke weed are coming from. He makes a good point about the Greek word for witchcraft, but weed is more like medicine than a drug when used by responsible adults for valid health concerns. Of course, God can heal our bodies, but I believe God is for medicine too. That said, weed can be awfully addictive mentally, and God does not want us to abuse it. That goes for anything, though. Too much pizza is not good for you. It's about balance, and each person has their own unique circumstance. It's hard to say definitively that Christians should not smoke weed. No hate, it is a complex issue, in my opinion. Personally, I haven't smoked weed in 5 years. Will I ever smoke again? Not sure, I'll pray about

  15. 1. There's a narrative that so called Christians are some of the most judgemental individuals out there. I know we all judge but as a pastor how can you look at some and say they don't look like they belonged in a gym or that they do not know the Lord.

    2. With his reasoning pharmaceutical drugs is witchcraft then. The Most High did not put anything on this earth that does not serve a purpose, whether it is so called good or bad.

    3. We all have good and bad inside of us. Life and Death is in the world. There are two sides to every coin. Don't walk around here acting holier than thou.

    It is important that we do our own research and stop depending on someone or some organization to lead us to some so called promised land.

    God is within each and everything that is on an about this planet and universe. Every day we have the opportunity to create our own heaven or hell don't let them fool you.

    "None but ourselves can free our minds"
    -Bob Marley

  16. How does this pastor know that the guy did not have an encounter with God? the Bible says that he uses the foolish things to confound the wise so what is this pastor talking about everything he said it’s subjective!!! This is an individual and personal walk with God !! And everybody’s walk is different!!

  17. Preach about DELIVERANCE that comes only from God! Many are bound like a hound and are desperate to be free from the demon of addiction! Just don’t tell them to STOP.. Show them the true Power of Jesus.

  18. Amen. Your can smoke as a Christian if that's what you want to do. He has bigger plans for you through being sober. You can use the tree for healing and not get high. But be honest it's to get high. I did it for 15+ years. God said He could trust me with more if I stopped. I repented and stopped. I now pastor a church. My salt has not lost it's savor

  19. First page of the freaking bible says to plant the seed. Unfortunately the beast moved, put thy salve on thine eye and hid it. You want to be saved? Annoint and your are your own personal jesus!

  20. I liked all of what you said until you said the Earth was spinning. Lol. The Earth is fixed and unmovable except in earthquakes. Go back and read Genesis and look what happened on the 2nd day. God divides the waters from the waters with a firmament. God said let there be a firmament. Look up ancient Hebrew cosmology. It's the truth the true cosmology system or at least very close to.

  21. Sounds like a talk for addicts or people who need it. What about the people who just enjoys it. There's a few of us who are buzzed throughout the day. You can't show me a verse that's against it without being parallel to ceremonial examples.

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