1. Please check these playlists below to see which videos most appeal to you and which can benefit your present situation:

    Tips to Reduce Symptoms Of A Mental Health Disorder— https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAc-rcG-S1I&list=PLKn2KkN2jRa7Lr96IcubScYuWMEb77v_j

    High Vibrational Diet For Mental Health Disorders— https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUVQW_FLbok&list=PLKn2KkN2jRa5JFVx7lchNYyNTZ3KkDN3o

    SPIRITUAL RENAISSANCE (SPIRITUALLY FOCUSED CHANNEL)– ht[tps://http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoCl_lSdvFDW0typEDdjO4g/videos

  2. I take kratom and your explanation in praying or respecting any plant medicines have changed my approach to using my kratom. I used to just spam it without any thought or consideration. Now I have a mini ritual where I pray to get the help or benefits from the powder and to not get wrecked with the side effects. Thus far it has been working and I've been able to use less and less doses. If I have to rely on a larger dose, I do a more thorough prayer and mental prep. I also respect the side effects when they come and ironically they subside much faster when fully stepping into the withdrawals, surrender. The plants are a tool and a gift and their powers are not to be disrespected. Thank you Yash.

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