Veterinarian Explains – CBD For Dogs

The most frequently asked question I get in my practice involves the use of CBD in all its forms. Today I try to help sort through the …


  1. We give Brick 4 Plano Paws Hempflex treats a day for bone spurs/mobility/pain/arthritis. It seems to allow him more mobility but he still has difficulty getting up. He is a 16 year old Aussie Shepherd/Border Collie Mix. Also, have implemented Salmon into his diet with Sweet Potatoes and Kale attempting to get Omega 3 antioxidants and anti inflammatory attributes. He falls on uneven ground occasionally but, wants to go walkies any chance he can. There has been improvement since the diagnoses but like life there are good days and not so good days.

  2. To help with calming my anxious dog I give CBD oil that is sold at one of the large pet retailers. Due to the high cost I only give it during times of extreme anxiety – like 4th of July fireworks when he thinks there is a war going on outside. It works well at calming for a few hours and I don’t notice any other symptoms, though I do only give him one dose and it is given rarely. I have noticed the large pet retailers are selling hemp calming products as well, I have not researched if hemp actually contributes to calming or if it’s more of a marketing attempt but now I am tempted to look into it.

  3. We are in Argentina small city San Rafael, Mendoza, we do not have a neurologist vet.
    Rocky Balboa starting having epilepsy 2 weeks shy of 2 years old, he is going to be 5 in May. We changed 4 vets. We started cbd on November and we cut the potassium bromide, and clonazepan. He is only on phenobarbital 125 x2 times his weight 90 pounds. I give him his cbd 2 hours or more apart from the phenobarbital. He has episodes every 45 or 50 days. Today is day 46. He is more active. We have total of 7 dogs. I told our vet to look at Keppra, in case we need to add it. He didn't look at the report. Hope this helps him. I forgot I gave the cbd to my Gigi pitbull 13 years old for incontinence it made it worse. w

  4. Problem is pet owners don’t know a reliable resource to find scientific papers. And many pet owners don’t trust vets too 😅
    Your video will definitely help them doc😍

    Next video – day in life of vet 😎

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