Mango & Hemp Oil Body Butter ~ How To Make DIY Whipped Butter Lotion

Here is the exclusive formula for the Mango & Hemp Oil Moisturizing Body Butter. Chalk full of humectants and heavy moisturizing …


  1. Finished product looks too gritty for my liking; but the formula itself I do like. When it comes to butters I love using an ice bath to help partially set it, and then mix.

  2. You can add Ecosoya Q210 Soy wax into various skincare products as it’s been dermatology tested safe for all skin types, GW464 is new to being able to be used in various skincare products

  3. The best video on body butter I have seen. So glad to see you prepare the jars/lids with diluted bleach. Others just spray with alcohol and call it “sterilized.” I did wonder about any bleach residue though…not a problem?

  4. Thank you for every detail and reasons why you use what you use. It’s very informative and I feel like I’m learning a lot and I’m enjoying myself! If you didn’t know, Your voice is beautiful so it makes everything come together nice:) I love your channel and how organized you are! Your amazing! Keep up the great work! 🥰🤩🏆🥇

  5. Had to wear headphones as the Volume was Super Low. Had my volume turned to max and could barely hear this video. All the other YouTube Channels I watched were fine.

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