The Black Market Of Medicinal Cannabis | Green Light | Documentary Central

Two Australians offer a last hope of pain relief, black market medicinal cannabis, for thousands suffering chronic and terminal …


  1. It is just incredible to see how far we have come with cannabis globally, but there is so much more to be done. Here in the US, the tide looks to be changing, and hopefully we are able to do it correct enough to spur change in other nations. Regarding cannabis, the goods far outweigh the bads, and it is now our job to make sure people not only see that but are educated on it as well.

  2. Generally the Black Market is a dangerous and (especially lately) a deadly place to acquire cannabis or any other substance one would ingest. Australia shouldn't do this to itself. When did saving lives become so out of fashion?

  3. First of all, remove the Butane. Pot isn't supposed to contain or be treated with Butane. That's just added to patronize oil companies . If you want the Butane buzz, get a paper bag and some model glue. Eat your brain away and collect medical social security.

  4. I live in Southern California, once we too had the Authorities arresting us for possessing, cultivating and smoking Cannabis years ago. We the People of California voted to change said Draconian Laws, and now Cannabis is legal, and Marijuana Dispensaries are as plentiful as Liquor Stores

  5. 🟢🟩💚Excellent documentary. The best I have seen on this channel, though I have seen great ones. I pray for all who are in pain or ill. I survived and overcame trigeminal neuralgia. Trust me, I understand. I pray these guys are still able to help others and that cannabis becomes a legal medical option for those who need it.🟢

  6. Everyone who needs Cannabis oil must have legal access to it. I know that Cannabis oil is one miracle cure for many diseases. We must work and make our lawmakers make Cannabis legal for all who need it and we should not care what big pharma says. It would be very good also if big pharma also produces and sells also cannabis oil and make it in a very strong and in clean way, since they have all sophisticated tools to produce chemicals.

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