1. There is no CBD in this drink. The packaging on close inspection is pretty funny.
    The overall finish and quality is bad, like a home printer for cans.
    Says "CANNABIS/VITAMINS/CANNABIS/VITAMINS/ all around the top.
    Doesn't have either.
    Says "20mg Cannabis sativa extract".
    This is not even a thing; the correct term would be 'Cannabis sativa seed oil', but even that would still not be CBD.
    The front says "CBD" but it's "Canna Bis Drink" when you look closely. Then it says "Infused Drink".
    The second main ingredient is listed as sugar but the table of amounts shows <0.1g sugar.
    Shows a company called Fast Flamez LTD and some industrial estate address with a UB postcode.
    The only legit thing on the whole can is 250ml but I didn't measure it…yet.
    Here's a link if anyone wants to buy wholesale https://www.fastflamez.com/

  2. CBD won't give you any 'funny feelings' it is one of 100 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. THC is the one that gives you 'funny feelings'. CBD helps with things like anxiety, pain and sleep. So don't worry lol

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