How Do You Determine CBD Dosage for Dogs?

5. Full spectrum hemp extract (CBD) has the potential to make a huge difference in your pet’s quality of life – that much is clear .


  1. Very informative! I want to start my 16lb Chihuahua on CBD for his reactivity, anxiety and aggression. I am confused about dosages, not sure of his behavioural problem would require more or less mgs than a dog with a different problem, like pain. Any insights on this? Plan was to start him with a 2.8mg dose twice a day.

  2. I need help!! Dog has Vestibular Disease what do you recommend for cbd brand or type ?? Please help my dog out.
    I’ve taken her to 3 vets and all they give me is pills and tell me to get MRI, X-RAYS

  3. Our shih-tzu has Cushings Disease and peritonitis. Can't afford the vet's high cost meds and constant blood tests for the next 2 to 3 yrs of his life (if we are lucky). I've read CBD will help. He's 8 1/2 yrs old and wonder how to buy it for him and how much to try, if it's even a good idea. He doesn't suffer from anxiety, just muscle weakness, hair loss, etc.

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